Chapter 63: I Love You Mingus!!

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I really didn't want to laugh right now. All I wanted was to make sure that Mingus was ok. This wasn't the type of place you wanted to laugh. It was the hospital for crying out load. I felt like this was all my fault. Kassy wanted me to get hurt. She did get me hurt. She knew my one weakness. Mingus. I have other weakness but she got the one she knew would hurt me the most. Mingus did everything for me. Like I said he was the best big brother I could ask for.

"Come on Liesel stop being sad." Mingus said snapping me out of my thoughts

"No. I can I not be sad i mean look at you. You're....You're broken."

"So what I'll be fine."

"Yea maybe a year."

He laughed but I didn't. "Oh come on that was funny. Why don't you laugh at you on jokes."

"Because. I'm worried about you."

"Well don't be for me please?"

"I don't know. You're broken into tiny little pieces."

"You know what they say. Sticks and stones may break your bones but a bus will break them even worse."

I laughed. "That's not what they say at all."

"Well they should start saying it. Cause it's true."


"Where's dad?" He asked

"In the bathroom. I'm guessing freashing up."

"Speaking of freashing up. Maybe you should give it a shot."

"What do you mean?"

He handed me a mirror and I looked horrible. We both laughed. Norman came into the room. He looked at us and laughed along. I'm betting he didn't know what we were laughing about.

"He's awake." Norman said

"Hey dad." Mingus said

"Do you want me to get the doctor?"

"Sure. Where is everyone?"

"They only let us come." I told

"But why?"

'Because we're family." Norman said

Norman went to get the doctor. He said he would be fine. That in a few days he will be able to get out of here. .

"Liesel I'm sorry I brought Kassy into our lives. But at least she out of our lives." Mingus said

"She not completely out of my life. I will always have a piece of her in my life. It will be hard to forget her but I'll try real hard."

Mingus laughed. Everyone came into the room. Chandler came and sat by me. He held my hand. I rested my head on his shoulder. We all talked about stuff. And made each other laugh. Until someone barged into the room. Hazel. Ugh.

"Oh my gosh Mingus I came as soon as I heard the news." She said

"Really? Cause I called you yesterday."

"Oh I'm sorry my mom didn't let me go."


"Are you ok? Are you hurt."

"Well if you call broken bones and bruises, scar ok. Then yeah I guess so."

"This is you're fault Liesel!!" Hazel yelled at me

"What my fault! How?!?!"

"You brought that Kassy girl into our lives. I wish you were never born! No I wish Norman never adopted you. He should have chosen another person."

"First of all I had no idea she existed. And when I did I didn't know she was my sister. So you can't put all the blame on me."

"If only you only stayed with your parents. They would have killed you. And everyone would be better without you. Including Chandler, Mingus, and everyone. I swear I wish you were never born. You're ugly as shit."

"Hazel stop yelling at Liesel this is my fault as we'll." Mingus said

"No it isn't. It's her fault."

I started crying. Then ran out of the room. Maybe everyone's life would be better with out me.

(Mingus's POV)

Liesel ran out the room. And Chandler ran after her. Why was Hazel acting like this.? I've never seen her like this. I needed to stop this. Me and me only.

"Hazel?" I asked

"Yes honey?"

"I'm breaking up with you."


"I don't like you fighting with Liesel. If you can't accept her that maybe we shouldn't be together."

"Mingus don't let Liesel get into the middle of this."

"She not. She is part of my life. And unlike you I would care if she wasn't in my life. The day I met her was the best day of my life. I can her everything. And she can tell me anything. She is the best little sister I can ask for. So please get out."

"But I love you Mingus."

"We'll I don't love. So please leave."

She left without saying another word. Everyone just looked at me.

(Liesels POV)

I ran down the hallways. Had no idea were I was going. Where should I go? Then I heard someone call my name.

"LIESEL!!!" Someone yelled

I turned around. It was Chandler. He ran over to me and hugged me tight. I cried into his shoulder. I loved Chandler so much. I'm lucky to have him in my life. He stoked my hair.

"Chandler is she right?" I asked

"What no. Never." He let go of me."I would cry every single day of my life if you weren't in it. On that day I saw you I could tell we were meant to be. I love you Liesel Reedus."

"I love you to."

He held my cheeks in his hands and leaned in. He softly kissed me. I could tell how much he loved me. He stayed with me this whole time. While everyone left. I loved him so much. I would never let him leave.

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