Chapter 64: Redue Date

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~~~A Few Days Later~~~

Today was the day that Mingus got to go home. Just to say I never left the hospital. And I haven't seen Chandler today. Lindsay and I got closer. I also found out that Aurora is dating Ty Parker's. He's a great guy. Tomorrow I get to meet him. Yay.

When we got home I helped Mingus out of the car. He was a has a wheel chair so I have to help him. Dad got him on the wheel chair and I pushed him. When we got to the door I accentedly hit his leg on the wall.

"Jeez Liesel watch were your going." Mingus said

"Sorry. I'm not very good at this."

"I can tell."

"Well then."

I finally got him back in the house. I set him down on the couch. Ugh I am so tired. All I wanted to do was take a shower. Which wasn't a bad idea. I went over to Norman. He was in the kitchen. I'm guess he was making sandwiches. But why we just ate.

"Hey dad." I said.

"Hey. Liesel what's up?"

"We'll can you take care of Mingus while I take a shower?"

"Yeah sure. I was going to tell you that anyways. Chandler left you a note and a dress in your room. You can't go in there now just go take a shower and put on the dress. And last do what ever the note says. Ok?"

"Umm ok?"

I went upstairs and ok a shower. But all I could think about was what the note was going to say. And why Chandler would buy me a dress. Oh well I'll find out later. After I was done taking a shower I put on my robe. And my slippers. Don't judge I don't like to wet the floor when I come out of the shower. When I got to the room I saw a flat huge box on my bed.

I opened it. And oh my gosh. It was the dress I have been dying to get forever. (Picture on the side) I know I really don't like dresses. But this once I really loved. I was going to buy it but I had no money. I can't believe Chandler got it for me. And as Norman said there was the note on top of the dress.

The note said 'Dear Liesel. I bet your wondering what the heck is going on. Well this is kinda a fun way to find out. But I set up some clues up around town. People will be waiting for you to hand you each clue. This is your Valentines day date. Don't worry you'll find me later on tonight. For right now just dress up and at 7 start going to he next clue. The first clue is on he back. Love Chandler'

That boy. He knows I hates scarvener hunt. Oh well. Whatever he has planned I will love it. I yput the note back in the box and got the dress out. For a moment I just stared at it. The laid it out on my bed. I went back to the bathroom and started drying my hair. That took 20 minutes. Then after I curled it. And that took 30. I went back to my room and looked at the time. It was 6: 30. Oh my gosh. I still needed to do my make up and get dressed. So quickly I put on the dress. It fit perfectly.

How would Chandler know my dress size? I never told him. Forgot that and let me do my make up. All I did was put on mascara and some eye shadow to make my eyes pop.i grabbed my boots. And read the note.

It said. 'I bet you look amazing.' I rolled my eyes and read on 'Ok so first clue. Where did I first ask you out and tell you I loved you? Go here and someone will be waiting. Love You'

I though for a second. Then it came to my mind at the restaurant. The dinner that we had for people who survived the day I found out I was going to be on the show. I grabbed my leather jacket and headed out. It wasn't very far from my house, I almost got ran over by a car 3 times oh well. I just noticed I have been saying that a lot. Oh well. When I got to the restaurant I saw Aurora.

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