Chapter 94: YOU Forgot

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(Liesel's P.O.V)

I walked into Norman's trailer and just sat on his couch. There was nothing to do but look at the ceailing. It was better than going out there and having to face people. I rolled over to my side. So now i was facing the back of the couch. How could Norman forget? A special day in my life.... Nobody but me knows why it's special. It'll probably stay like that for the rest of my life.

"Hey Liesel..... You in here?" I heard Lauren ask

"Yeah i'm here. Whatcha need?" I asked sitting up in my seat.

"We'll since Emily isn't on the show anymore she wanted me to tell you happy 1 year."

"Thanks. At least someone remembers." i muttered the last part.

"What do you mean at least someone remembers?'

"Norman forgot. He has no idea that today was the day he got me from the foster home. He doesn't remember that today he got a daughter. He just doesn't remember. And that hurts."

"Why does it hurt?"

"Because. I've never stayed with a family this long before. 1 year is the longest. That's why it means so much to me. That's why I want Norman to remember. Because one year ago I wasn't stuck in a foster home with other kids. One year ago I wasn't Liesel Sunner. One year ago I turned into a Reedus."

"Oh honey. I know it means so much to you. But don't make such a big deal about it. He probably just forgot cause he has so much going on. Think about it. With the show, taxes, Mingus, You getting a mom. it's a lot of work. So just give him time. He'll come around."

"Thanks Lauren."

"LAUREN COHAN PLEASE COME ON SET!!!" Yelled a voice over the speaker. 

"We'll i gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Maybe once i'm done shooting we can have some girl time. Since Emily's not here anymore it'll just be you and me."

"Sounds like a plan. Thanks again Lauren."

"No problem Kiddo."

I walked as she got up and left the trailer. When she opened the door somebody came in. I looked to see who it was. And it was Mingus. He looked at me and gave me a half smile. I returned the smile. "Still feeling blue?" He asked.

"Yep. But i'm kinda over it. Mingus do you know why Norman forgot?"

"Nope. I don't know why. It could be because he's got alot going on. But other than that nope. I try to keep my distant from him. Since what happened."

"Have you told him?"

"I can't Liesel. You know I can't. It;s hard for me. It's like when you break one of his trophy's you don't wanna get anywhere near him. He's dangerous."

"Oh my gawd. Yeah I feel you're pain. I once broke his 'Sexiest man of the year award.' and he got pissed at me for a week."

"I broke his 'Best actor of the year award. And he wouldn't go near me for a month. Try having to cook for your self. Every time Dad would cook dinner he would eat it all. Once he left me at school. And didn't pick me up. Can you believe him."

"We'll it was the first award he ever won. So i wouldn't blame you."

"He made me sleep outside." he said looking at me in the eyes.

"I have no words." i said 

"Exactly. So that's why I do everything I can to stay away from him. I just can't be in the same room with him without feeling guilty."

"Don't worry Mingus. You have to tell him soon. And i'll be there with you when you tell him."

"What do you think he's going to say?"

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now