Chapter 68: Riding Solo

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I just laid in bed trying to forget everything. Chandler has texted me 5 times and called 10 times. Tissues were on my floor and my bed. My eyes were red and puffy. I kept on replaying Stay With Me by Sam Smith. I think I ran out of tears. Let me just say I haven't gotten out of bed in the past 3 days only to use the bathroom. The girls don't know about this. They think I'm sick.

On my side table there is empty cartons of ice cream. I don't get them. Mingus goes everyday and buys me 5 pint cartons. Which I'm happy he does. He's been a big help. Norman came into my room for the 6th time today.

"Hey honey." He said

"H-Hey Daddy," I said turning off the music

"You feeling ok?"

"Nope just like the other 5 times you came into my room."

"I just want to make sure your ok.You know honey you can't stay in your room your whole life."

"Who says I can't?"

"Me. Honey I don't like seeming you in this much pain. It hard on me. I-I don't know what to do. This is you first major heartbreak. Mingus doesn't have those. Your my only girl so I have no idea what to do. And I feel bad. Mingus is helping you. But I can't. Please honey just go outsider or just get out of your room. For 5 minutes. Please it's hard for me seeing you like this. I love and care about you. I don't like what Chandler did to you. He broke up with you a few days after he gave you a promise ring. I-I...."

"Dad calm down. I'll go out of the house for a few hours ok? Just let me get dressed."

Norman finally got out of my room. I wore a blue hoodie, black shorts. Black shoes.(Picture on the side.). When I was done I knocked on Mingus door.

"Hey Liesel you finally out of your room. What's up?" He asked

"I was wondering if you wanted to go the skate park with me?"

"Sure let's go."

Mingus grabbed his board and I grabbed mine. Mingus was wearing a hat. (The one that's one the side). We rode out skate boards the whole way there. We had a race to see who would get there first. Mingus won. I texted the girl to come over to see us skate.

When we got there we went to the top of the ramp. The first time having fun in 3 days. Yay. When it was my turn to go I saw the girl coming our way.

"Hey Liesel. Can you hold on to my cap while I skate?" Mingus asked


He put it on my head. And I headed over to the girls. Everyone was here besides Lexi. She texted me saying she would be there in few.

"Liesel let's see you skate. We haven't seen you." Lindsay said

Lindsay and I have become best friends. I don't know how but we just are. Don't get me wrong. All e girls are my best friend. But Lindsay is my best best friend. I grabbed my skate board and hoped on it. I started riding it. Did a few flips and then went back to the girls.

"Damn you good." Bria said

"Why thank you." I said in a funny accent.

Then I saw Lexi walking over to us. Yay the girls are meeting another girl.

"So guys you know how I meet new people all he time?" They all looked at each other and said yes. "Well found a new friend. Her name is Lexi and her she is." I said pointing to her.

Lexi came over and hugged me. Then I introduced her to the girls. So now I have Aurora, Polly, Summer, Bria, Lindsay and Lexi. Wow.

"Hey Liesel I dare you to do a cool trick on the high ramp." Aurora dared me

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now