Chapter 26: Is He......

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I woke up and took a shower. I was going to have along day. A whole I had to spend it with Chandler. We had to shoot today. But the best part is it the season finale of The Walking Dead. I was so exiced. In 2 weeks I would be doing my movie. I've been dating Sam for about 4 months. It's been awesome. I got over Chandler. Now we are just friends. We still talk sometimes.

"Liesel hurry up it's all most time to go on set."

"I'm going."

I put on my gray converse. And went down stairs.

"I'm here." I said childish

"Do you want us to pick up Sam?"


"Let's go."

We drove off to Sam's house. I went up to his front door. His mom answered

"Hi Liesel what brings you by?"

"Oh I called Sam to see if he wanted to come on set with me and he said yes."

"Ok just give him a minute."


"How have you been?"

"I've been great. In 2 weeks I will be shooting my movie."

"That's great. Here he is."

"Hey." Sam said


"We'll you two have fun." She said closing the door.

"Let's go." I said

"Wait don't I get a kiss?" He said

"Fine." I kissed him for 10 seconds ,

"I love you kisses" he said.

"Let's get going then." I said

We walked over to the car and he opened the door. He sat next yo me and out his arm around me.

"Hey Sam" Norman said

"Hey Mr. Reedus."

"I told you to call me Norman."

Sam an I started texting each other since it was weird talking in the car. Because Norman would be listening

(S- Sam, L- Liesel)

S- Hey cutie

L- hey there

S- look at Norman he has something in his beard.

L- yea I noicted

S- It's funny

L- I know

We both started laughing

"What are you Gus laughing at?" Norman said

"Nothing" we said at the same time

"Ok we're almost there" he said

We coninuted laughing. Norman was looking at us like we were crazy. When we got ther Sam and I went to my trailer.

"I can't believe I'm going to die in this episode." I said fake crying

"Don't worry. You'll be in a movie."


"We'll you can stay here and play video games while I go and shoot."

"Ok bye love you." I said kissing him

"Love you to." He said between kisses

We coninuted kissing until they called my name

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now