Chapter 24: Boring Old Me

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We went to the set and I went into hair and make up. I was still sad about the break up. I kept walking until someone pulled my arm.

"Hey Liesel what's wrong?" Emily asked

"You didn't hear? Chandler and I broke up

"Why you made a cute couple."

"Not really."

"We'll the girl from the set are having a sleep over and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"




"Yay come to my house around 8."

"Ok. I will."

"Let's go and get on set your dad is waiting on us."

We walked until we saw the house by the grave yard. I saw my dad with his crossbow in his hand. I gave him a soft smile.

"Hey dad can I go to Emily house to sleep over. She says she can help me with my break up"

"Sure just be home by 12 am tomorrow."


"Let's get going they were waiting on you."

-----------The Scence-------------

"Is it clear?" I asked

"Yeah I think so." Beth said

"I'll go make sure." Daryl said

All three of us walk into the kitchen. I open the cupboards.

"Wow." We say at the same time.

"There ain't no spec of dust of it. Who put this here must still be around."

"Can we eat it still?"

"Yea we'll take half and leave the other half."

"Ok." Beth says

"I call the pig feet" Daryl says

"Whatever but I call the PB'J." Beth and I say

"We can both have it." I say

Beth and I go into the living room to see the big piano. Beth plays "Be Good" she sound pretty good. I sang along with her until my dad came into the room.

"The place is nailed on tight."

"Ok dad."

He jumps up into the coffin. I give him a weird look.

"What are you doing?" Beth asked

"This is the confrested bed I've had in years."


"I ain't kiddin. You should probably keep playing. You know singing."

"I thought my singing annoyed you?"

"We'll there ain't no jut box. So."

I laugh a little. Beth and I keep playing I fall asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night so I could go up stairs. I stay up there the rest of the day.

1 day later

I woke up and went down stairs and saw a bunch of walkers everywhere. What the heck?

"Dad, Beth you here?"

I saw the frontdoor was open. I looked everywhere but Beth or my dad were not were to be seen. I packed up my backpack and started walking until I saw Beth backpack. I picked it up and put my mask on so no one would see me. I walked until I heard some men coming towards me. One of them grabbed me.

"Let go of me."

"I don't think so."

"Now Lenny let her go." The man said

He let me go and pushed me down on the floor.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. We just want to know if you wanted to be in our group. We need you. I saw you kill those zombies back there."

"Why do you need me?"

"We are trying to find this man. He killed one of our friends. Are you in?"

"Uhh? Sure but if you do anything to me I will hurt you."

He bobbed and we started walking. We walked until we came up to this man. He was siting in the idle of the road. Once we got closer I saw it was my dad. They started pointing there weapons at him.

"Wait don't do anything to him." I said

"You know this man?" Joe asked

"Yes I do but I want to see if he remembers me."

"I don't know you." He said

"Yes you do."

"We'll if you took off you're mask I would maybe remember you."

"I don't need to take off my mask. All I need to do is ask one question and you'll know who I am." I paused "Did you leave anything at the house that you and Beth were in?"

He looked at me


"Give this man a medel."

--------------the end---------------

"What time is it?"

"it's 6 o'clock."

"Can we go back home cause I need to get ready."

"Sure lets go."

We went back home and I got packed. I pack my PJ'S and some clothes for the morning. When I was done Norman took me to Emily's. Everyone was already there.

"Hey guys." I said

"Hey." They all said

"Let's play tell the Truth." Dania said

"Ok." I said

"I'll go first." Emily said

"Liesel do you still like Chandler?"

"Kinda." I said

We played for a long time. Everyone gave really good answers and explained it. But when it was me I said Yes, No, or Kinda. I was so boring. And I bet everyone else thought I was to. I was the first one to fall asleep. Because I knew I was a party pooper.

"Liesel I know your not sleeping." Melissa said

"What now?"

"Why are you sad?"

"I'm still not over Chandler. I love him and I know what I did was wrong. I wish I go back to that day and stop myself from kissing him."

"Don't worry. We all feel that way at some point in our life's."

"I wish I could talk to him." I said starting to cry

"Don't cry don't cry. Just give him some time and he might come around."

After that all of us fell a sleep.


Sorry if it was a shirt chapter it's because my hands were stat arming to hurt from typing on my iPad I will try to write two chapters tomorrow. Bye

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