Chapter 18: My Birthday Part 3

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Diana took me to hair and make up. The lady put some green and blue eye shadow on me. She curled my hair to. My curls were tight, and made my hair look shorter than it was. When she was done I put on my green converse that matched my dress. A guy handed me a microphone. I stood right by the stage and just looked at the crowd. I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hello beautiful." Chandler said

I turned around and saw Chandler. He smile at me. He look stunned. "Hey" I said.

"Oh my god. You look beautiful. We'll I mean you always look beautiful but wow... This time you look more beautiful. Well you always look more beautiful, but tonight you look 10x better than what you wear. Not that I don't like what you wear it's just-"

"Chandler shut up." I said

"Sorry. I ramble around pretty girls. We'll the only pretty girl, but there are millions of beautiful girls around the- You know what I'm gonna stop talking." He said

"Good choice." I said hugged him.

"We'll I just wanted to wish you luck and give you this."

He took out a red rose

"Wow...It's beautiful."

"Yeah, but you're more beautiful."

"That was so cheesy."

"I know but it's true.

"Liesel?" A man asked "You're on in about a minute." He said. I nodded my head telling him okay. He smiled at me.

"Hey this is my girlfriend. Back off." Chandler said pulling me to his chest.

"Calm down. I was just telling her something."

"Okay well you told her now leave."

He rolled his eyes and left.

"You are so over protective of me. I find it so cute of you." I said bopping his nose.

"It's not cute. He was flirting with you. Did you see the way he smiled at you? I was gonna kill him."

"Well I'm your not his." I said pecking his lips

"Good. Hey um Liesel c-can I tell you something?"

"Sure." I said

"I Lo-"

"LIESEL REEDUS TO THE STAGE!!" The man said over the intercom.

"Sorry gotta go. Tell me when I come back." I said backing around from him.

The song started and I walked out. I took a deep breath and started singing.

When you wish upon a star

Makes so different who you are

Anything your heart desires.

Will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams

To request is to extreme when

You wish upon a star as dreams do.

I was ready to see who came out. I saw about five boys come beside me and start singing. I couldn't believe that it was one direction. They sounded amazing. Even though I never really like them before. I had to admit there voices were amazing. After we were done everyone clapped. I heard Chandler, Mingus, and Norman cheering for me in the front row. I saw them run to get backstage. The boys and I went back stage and I started talking to them

"Wow you guys did great." I said

"Years of preforming child." Harry said. "But you did amazing."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now