Chapter 37: Bad Dreams

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Every since the day we went to Floida i've been having bad dreams. And i'm not saying just a few days i mean every single day. Norman's gotten use to it. His been trying to have me go talk to my theripst but i keep saying no. When i found out Sam was moving the dreams gotten worse. I felt like if i was trapped inside my dreams. No way out. It was 10:00pm. so i went to sleep. I was sweating when i was sleeping. Kicking, screaming. To me it feels like there is something in my body. It felt like someone was cutting open my body and breaking my bones.

Norman had enough of me have bad dreams so he said in the morning we had to go see Dr. Renolds. So that meant i would miss part of school. When i woke up i started running out of air. I grabbed my inheral and puffed it. I felt so much better. I grabbed my gray shirt and my light blue jeans.(Picture on the side.) When i was done i went downstairs and Norman was waiting for me. We went into the car and dropped off Mingus at school. Then we went to Dr. Renolds. Once we got there he told me to wait for him in his office. 

"So Liesel what's the problem?" he asked

"Well i've been have bad dreams." i said

"That's nothing to worry about. You'll be fine."

"No i mean every single night i have a nightmare. I scream in the middle of the night like if someone is cutting me open and breaking my bones. I sweat, and kick." i said

"Dr. Renold can you please help her i'm starting to get worried about her." Norman said

"This is what i can do i can make you take a nap right now and see what happens."

He made me fall asleep. I started having a terrible nightmare. I kicked screamed.

(Norman's POV.)

I watched as he put her to sleep. Soon Liesel said moving around. Nest thing i know she's screaming and kicking. She kept saying STOP PLEASE!! STOP!!! I started getting worried. Dr. Renolds didn't do anything. He just sat there taking notes. I started shaking. I had enough of seeing Liesle there scearming i had to stop him.

"Can you stop. Can't you see she's scared to death. WAKE HERE UP NOW!!" I yelled

"I'm sorry sir. I can't do that right now." he said

"What do you mean you can't wake her up right now." i asked

"I'm trying to figure out why she's acting like this."

"Please just wake her up. I dont like seeing her in this much pain."

"Before i do wake her up i've been wanting to ask you some questions about this."

"Ummmm ok."

"How long has this been goin on?"

"I think since the begin of July."'

"Has anything bad happen to her. That maybe has caused her to have bad dreams?"

"No. Not really. We went to Flordia and she saw her mother there but she started having bad dreams before that. A few months ago she wasn't this bad. But ever since she found out that her boyfriend well now friend is moving she's beening have nightmares."

"And how long ago did she find out that her ex boyfriend is moving?"

"Last week."

"I should wake her up now."

We turned and saw Liesel just lying there. Not moving at all. I started getting scared. We both ran over to were she was.

"KRISTEN!! KRISTEN COME IN HERE." Dr. Renolds yelled.

A young lady came in and saw Liesel in my arms. She ran over to me.

"What's the matter?" she said

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now