Chapter 75: Back Together???

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Hey guys so i havent updated. Im just so busy with school and stuff. I was going to update but then i went to Kanas this weekend. Ugh now my whole body hurts. So back to the main topic. Yeah so im updating yay. Oh andbefore i forget guess what? Ok stop guessing. My crush is in all my classes. Sucks. Its a good thing and a bad thing. Oh cause im terrible at math and he'll see me fail. adn the good thing is i get to see him all day. If you guys can give me some advie so i can survive this school year. Now i should shut up adn here's the chapter. Remember please give me adive im begging.



~~~A few weeks later~~~

(Liesel's POV)

My whole body aches. Today is the day i get to go back to home. Let me tell you what has happened since i been in the hostipal.

Lucas and his friends are going to jail for 10 months.

Summer and Hayes have gotten alot closer. And let me just say they look so cute together

Aurora and Ty went on Vaction together. Dont worry nothing happened. But they look so cute together. 

Polly still doesnt have a boyfriend. But that doesnt mean that she wont get one. Me and her got lot closer.

Bria she cut her hair. But she looks awesome. It's that that much shorter. She just cut off about 2 inches. And i found out shes half white and half african american. I would have never guessed. 

Lexi has tried out for alot of sports and she's in all of them. Im pretty sure she's the only one that is in love with sports. Im just kidding.

Lindsay she went to go see her brother for 2 weeks. And her mom and dad in Austrila. She said its awesome over there. Maybe one day i'll get to go.

Ally is awesome. The rest of the girls love her. And i mean love her. She fits right in with us. She not to girly. And let me just say she better then the other girls my brother had gone out with. Cause one she not related to me and she not evil.

Chandler and i are still......Eh. It complitacated. We're friends. But he's mad at me because i went out with Lucas.

Sam. Oh my gosh. He comes every day to see me. He says thats he's getting along with Lindsay. And that Chandler misses me. Sam is my best friend. Well guy best friend.

"Hey Liesel you ready to go home?" Norman asked me

"Yeah. Hey dad how long do i gotta wear this cast."

Oh did i tell you that Lucas and his friend broke my leg? Well yeah he did. But not to bad. But i have to wear a leg boot thing. You know what i'm talking about

"The doctor said about 3-4 weeks."

"Ugh i dont wanna wear it."

"Well to bad you got yourself into it. And you grounded for 2 weeks."

"What why am i grounded? Lucas did this to me."

"One i cant ground Lucas he's not my child. Two cause you didnt tell me about this. So it's your fault." Norman said "Either way im just going to drop you off at home then i need to get to set."

"Can i go with you?" i asked

"I dont know your grounded remember?"

"Yea i know im grounded but i really want to say sorry to Chandler. And i kinda wanna get back together with him. It's been a few weeks now. Come on. Please. Just let me go to set with you. And once we get home i'll be grounded." i did the puppy dog face he cant say no to.

"Fine. Only a few hours. And put the puppy dog face away. It doesnt work on me anymore."

"Ok whatever keeps you sleepin at night."

I changed into something cute. A gray sweetshirt, jeans, confmy boot (Only wore one because i had my boot thing on). A gray scaf, a red beine. And of course my nerd glasses. Dont judge i love them. (Picture on the side) When i was done changing we went to the car. I got my phone out but Norman took it away from me.

"Dad!" i said

"Your grounded remember. Whch means no phone."

"Oh come on. Only for a few hours." Again i did the puppy dog face

"Fine. You gotta stop doing that puppy dog face."

When we got to the set i got out. I wanted to run to Chandler's trailer but i couldnt because of my stupid leg. Ugh. I hate it. Norman walked to his trailer and i waked to Chandlers. But someone stopped me.

"Liesel what happened to your leg?" Andrew asked

Steve, Lauren, Emily, Melissa, Danai were with him. I looked down at my foot. And sighed

"You know that boy i brought over a few weeks ago?" they nodded "Him and his friends beat me up and broke my leg so now i gotta wear this. But dont worry him and his friends went to jail for 10 months."

"Oh my gosh are you ok?" everyone asked

"Yeah but i gotta go talk to Chandler. So i'll see you later."

They all walked away. And i went outside. I saw Chandler's trailer. I slowly started running to his trailer and wehn i got there knocked on the door. Chandler was in his Carl custome.

"Hey Liesel how's your leg?" he asked

"Great. Can i talk to you for a second?" i asked

He stepped aside so i could come in. I sat down on the couch. I looked around his trailer. There was picture's of us every where. Gosh he really does love me. He set down his Carl hat and sat down next to me.

"Sorry if this is kinda creepy. You know having pictures of us all around my trailer." he said

"No it's fine. That's acculely what i came to talk to you about. About us."

"What about us?"

"We'll...." i looked into his eyes. His blue eyes. "Uh.....I was going to say im sorry....for beening a jerk." i said

"You werent beeing a jerk." 

"Yea i was. You tried everything to get me back but i just ignored you. Im sorry. I should have never gone out with Lucas. I only went out with him to make you jealous. Cause lets face it Chandler i'm a reck with out i need you. Chandler i l......." i got cut of by him smasking his lips on mine.

I've missed those lips. I've gone weeks with out his lips on mine. I knew that Chandler and i were back togerher. And i'm happy. He put his hand on my cheek and rubbed my cheek with his finger. I smiled threw the kiss. He pulled away.

"I love you to. I never stopped." he said

"I never stopped either."

"Can i tell you something?" he asked


"I like your brown hair better."

"Everyone does. So does this mean were back together?"

"Yep forever."



I know i know suckish chapter. But i really wanted them to get back together. And again please give me advice. Im begging. And i never beg this much. But comment vote and anything else. Oh and just to tell you just a few more chapters more im only doing 90-100 chapters in this book. And there is no squel. Sorry. But yeah just comment. Blah blah blah. I know what your think another authors note your crazy. Yep i know im crazy. Well bye!!!


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