Chapter 43: Trouble

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I read the note and right when i was about to take a nap Sara called my name. I walked down stairs and saw Norman. Shoot. Sara seemed to be pretty pissed off and so did Norman. I walked down the stairs slowly. Norman was super mad. 

"Where have you been?" Norman asked

"Ummm. Here." i said

"I've been searching everywhere for you." he said

"I thought you didn't want me." 

"You thought wrong get your stuff were going home."


"No? Do you say no?"

"Yes i said no. I like it here."

"Liesel why do you like it here. You'll never get adopted. Your lucky i adopted you. Please just come home."

"Stop treating me like a little kid." i said running upstairs.

(Normans POV.)

What did i do? I just made her cry. How could i live with myself. 

"Do yo mind if i come inside and talk to her?" i asked sara

"No come right in." she said

I steped inside. I walked up to where Liesel's room was. She was crying loud. The door was almost opened. I opened the door and sat down on Liesel bed. She was on he stomuch crying into her pilliow. I rubbed her back.

"Liesel why did ou runaway."

"B-Because You guys d-didn't want me." she said crying

"Who said that?" i asked

"I could see it in your eyes. You guys didn't believe me about Kassy."

"Speaking about Kassy. You got it all wrong. She wasn't the one who put the carmeas in your room. I twas the producers. They wanted to see what you are like. The only reason she punched Hazel was to act. She was praticing a fight sceance and Hazel was to close."

"No she was saying a bunch of mean stuff to us."

"She was only acting sweetie."

"Oh ok."

"Lets go home."

(Kassy POV.)

Wow i really am smart. Earlier when Norman came to my house to talk to me i put something in his phone so i would be able to hear eyething they were saying. Right now i was hearing there conversation. It was so funny. I can't believe i was such a great actor.

(Liesel POV.)

I packed up all my stuff and went to the car. I fell asleep during the car ride. Not the best choice. My night terriors happened. And by accident i kicked Mingus's leg. 


I was chained to a chair. Someone was infront of me. It was Kassy. She was trying to kill me. There were people by her. They were taller than her. But not by much. My parents. My real parents were right by her side.

"Please don't kill me. Please don't" i said crying.

"Shut up." Kassy said

"Now what should we do with her." my dad asked

"Maybe we should do what me were planning to do to her before we got arrested. Kill her." my mom said

"No please don't I'm sorry."

"Don't you apozlige. You cause all this mess you desiver to die." he said

"W-What do you mean by this mess." i asked

"Because of you the cops are looking for us. We killed 10 people this week and with you 11."

"P-Please Don't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry........"

~~~~End of Dream~~~~

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I;m sorry." i said yelled in my sleep

Mingus shook me awake. Norman had stopped the car on a random street. I had no clue what was happening. They just started at me.

"W-Why did we stop?" i asked

"Because you were have a nightmare." Norman said

"Oh. I'm sorry." 

"Are you ok?" Mingus asked

"Yea. Yea i'm fine don't worry." i said touching my forehead. "I have a terrible headach." 

"Come here." Mingus said

I laid down on his lap. He looked down at me and smiled. I gave him a half smile. Wonder if he broke up with that b*tch yet? I know she wasn't acting. Mingus kept poking my head asking if i were ok. It kinda made my head feel better. He told me that his mom brought over his cat. His cat name was eye in the dark. He said they named him that because at the time they had him that they had black floors and that you could only see his eyes. I've seen ton of picture of Norman and eye in the dark. He was a cute cat. And i finally got to meet him for the first time.

"Dad am i in trouble?" i asked

"Big time." he said 

"I knew it." i said softy

"Well thats what you get for running away."

"I know."

My punishment was i had to stay in my room for the rest of the mouth. And since everyone hated me right now he was going to sign me up for and online school. He was doing the same thing with Mingus. I wasn't allowed to leave my room only to go to the bathroom. Norman gave me back my phone. I texted Chandler and asked him if he wanted to come over. He said he would be here any minute. I dont know why but for some reason i wanted to spend more time with Chandler. I feel like we never spend time together.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now