Chapter 56: My To Do List

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We all went home. When I got home Norman and Mingus were watching T.V. They were watching Guy Code. Norman and Mingus were so interested in what they were saying. I closed the door and Norman turned off the T.V.

"Oh hey honey back so soon?" Norman asked

"Uh yea." I said

"So how was your day?" Mingus asked

"Ok don't act like this. It's creepy. And I saw that you guys were watching Guy Code." I said walking into the kichten,

"Come on Liesel. It's not weird. A bunch of guys watch Guy Code." Mingus said following me with Norman be hide him.

"I know it's not weird it's just that um. I never thought you to would watch that."

"Hey it gives good information." Norman said

I sat on the counter. And took a sip of water. "I know it does it just that. You know never mind. I don't need to talk about this. Oh hey Dad can I go to the mall to pick up some stuff."


"I'm having a sleep over with Polly and Aurora."

"Ohh sleep overs can I come?" Mingus said

"No." I said in a high voice

"Ok I guess you can go."

"Thanks dad." I hugged him.

I held out my hand for Norman to give me money. He gave me $100 dollars, I ran out the door. I need to buy ice cream, popcorn, movies, new PJ's, ect..

First I went to buy my PJ's. I some shorts. That were blue with purple dots. And a tang top that was green. Then I went to get some food. By the time I was do e getting the food I had about 5 bags of food. I went to go get some pillows and blankets. After that I went to the movie store. Hardly anyone was in there. I went to the horror section. There were so many movies to buy. That i was there for a few minutes. I got Mama, Insidious, and Insidious chapter two. Next I went to the comedy section. I got the Staving Games, Grown ups 2, A haunted house, and Were The Millers. I was super tired. I decided to go tot the food court. I ordered chicken strips and French fries. They said they would call me when my order is done. I looked around for somewhere to sit. There was no where to sit so I sat by this girl. She had brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hi my name is Liesel what's your name?" I asked

"My names Summer nice to meet you."

"Are you here alone?"

"Um yeah."

"What are doing later?"

"Trying to find somewhere to sleep."

"What do you mean? Can't you go home to sleep?"

"No my mom and a Dad are fight and I don't like it when they do so I always go to a friends house. But my friend is out of town so now I need to find some place to go."

"Oh well my friends and I are having a sleepover your welcome to come."

"Thanks but you don't know me? Do you always let strangers sleep at your house?"

"No. But you seem nice so I would let people like you sleep at my house."

"We'll thank you. And I would love to go to your house. But I need to go with you."

"Sure I'm just going to eat then going to go home and get ready for my sleep over."


I eat my meal then Summer and I went home. She helped me set up for my sleep over. She ordered 4 boxes of Pizza. Every girl gets one box. I know I would never eat that much but it's a sleep over. One thing you can expect from a sleep over is food. I waited for everyone to come. Polly came first. Then Aurora.

"Guys this is Summer. Summer this is Aurora and Polly."

"Hi" they said


"I'll get it "Mingus said "oh Pizza."

"Mingus that's our Pizza." I said

One by one we each grabbed a bow of Pizza. Then while everyone went to my room. I told Mingus something.

"Mingus don't you dare ruin this sleep over. Or I'll kill you. Oh and pay the Pizza man why don't you."

I went up stairs and everyone was eating a slice of pizza.

"Let's get this party started." I said closing the door with my foot.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now