Chapter 84: We're Not Dating

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Hey everyone so like i said i would update after the season premire of The Walking Dead. Which i am. And let me just say the episode was awesome. I started tearing up when Carl, Rick, and Juidth were bac, together. It was just so emotional. And my favorite part was when the guy had Juidth in a 'head lock' and threthed to kill her. Oh my gosh how dare he. But tyresse saved the day. That's all from now. Oh and did you see Morgan??? I did oh my gosh that was awesome. 'Rick don't go far. Morgan is coming.' Well here's the chapter. Until next time....



After what happened at Denny's we went to the mall. Yay. Wait why amd i saying yay? I used to hate the mall. Oh well. Plus i need new clothes. So when we got to the mall the first place i went to was Hot Topic. Of course. Mingus and Norman followed along. I heard Mingus say something.

"Dad why do we have to follow her?" Mingus asked

"Because she's the baby of the family."

"Dad she's 15. She almost 16. Come on. I'm only a few more months older that her."

"Yeah and your birthday already past. Cry me a river. Build a bridge and get over it." Norman said

I giggled. "Come on Mingus i just wanna buy a few things then we can go shopping for you."

"Yeah and and by 'a few thing' what do you mean? Wait i know this. In girl laugnge it means to buy everything she sees." Mingus said

"No it doesn't.  Plus i don't like shopping it's boring. I just need a few thing."

"Whatever." he said under his breath

A lady stopped us and she looked at Mingus and i. And smiled.

"You two make the cutest couple ever. The way you play fight. Awe. I used to do that with my husband. And kid you better keep her. She a good person to have as a girlfriend." the lady said

Mingus and i looked at each other and i almost threw up.

"Eww..... Gross." we said at the same time.

"Um mam. I'm sorry to be rude but where not dating. He's my older brother."

"But your only a few months older that her." the lady said

"Yeah that's cause she's adopted." Mingus said

"Oh i'm sorry. I didn't. Plus sweetheart you could do better."

She walked away. And i looked at Mingus he looked afended. I laughed. He just gave me a death glare. "Don't worry Mingus. Maybe in another world i would date you. But your my brother. And any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend." i kissed his cheek.

"Thanks sis."

We walked to Hot Topic and bought a few things. Signed a few autographs. And took a few pictures with fans. We finally went home. And i fell asleep.

~~~The Next Morning.~~~

I felt someone skaing me to wake up. Then another voice came into the room. I opened my eyes. The vision was blurry. The people finally became clear. It was Norman and Mingus.

"Liesel you fianlly awake you have to come downstairs. Were on the news." Norman said

They dragged my downstairs. And i watched the T.V. And i saw pictures of Mingus and i walking together. Norman turned up the volume.

"Apperently people saw Mingus Reedus, Norman Reedus son with Liesel Reedus, Norman Reedus adopted daughter. People say there dating. But most say they are only acting to get Chandler Riggs jealous. Theses picture were taken yesturday. In this on Liesel is kissing Mingus on the cheek. This is intersting. Is Liesel Reedus cheating on Chandler Riggs with Mingus Reedus her 'brother'. Or are they just put up and act? I'm Linda Porter saying have a good morning." the news lady said

"What??? We are not dating. It was just a sister kissing her older brother's cheek. How can they say this? How did they even get these picture. This is so not fair. Don't they need to ask out permision? Ugh i hate people these days." i said

"Liesel don't worry. They just want to enitertain people. I bet the story will be over by tomorrow."


"Yesturday Liesel and Mingus were found at the ice cream shop eatting. Mingus was feeding Liesel some ice cream they even shared. And also a fan of The Walking Dead took this video. (The video shows Mingus kissing Liesel nose.) What a cute couple they make. Does Chandler Riggs know about this. Or is Liesel Reedus keeping this a secret? Find out next time. I'm Linda Porter saying have a good morning." the news lady said

"Are you kidding me? Mingus was just licking some ice cream off my nose. Which me stuffed in my face. We are not dating. What the hell is wrong with people."

"Liesel. Calm down. I'll call the studio and tell them to leave us alone. And i'm they don't i'll sue them." Norman said

"They better leave us alone if they don't I will sure them myself. Ugh. I hate them so much."

Mingus came over and hugged me. When i saw a camera flash. I looked out the window and saw a guy with a camera. I got out of the house and ran after the guy. He ran away. And i screamed.

I swear i was getting mad and madder. Every second. I wanted to kill anyone who got on my bad side. I didn't mean it but still. Ugh. I went back insde and Norman and Mingus were on there phones. 

"Really guys you don't care that there saying Mingus and i are dating? That's just sick. Were brother and sister. Like come on get real. And you two are just sitting there on your phones."

"Liesel calm down. Ther just trying to get us mad. Don't let them get inside your head." Mingus said

"Oh really Mingus. What if Ally watches the news and breaks up with you?"

"Holy shit. I didn't think about that. I'm gonna go call her." Mingus said running upstairs.

"I'm going to go talk to Chandler and see if he's heard anything about this." i said

I started walking to Chandler's house. With every step i took my heart began to beat faster. I finally got to his house and knocked on the door. He opened it and looked mad at me.

"Hey Chandler." i said

"Don't 'Hey Chandler' me. How could you cheat on me?"

"Chandler listen to me. Why would i cheat on you?"

"You are cheating on me. The whole world knows."

"Chandler. They're lying. Mingus is my Brother. Think about it i don't like Mingus. Nor will i ever date him. Nor will i ever like him. And i would never cheat on you with him. Chandler you have to believe me."

"I don't know those picture looks like you guys are dating."

"When i kissed Mingus on the cheek it was because a lady askes us if we were dating i said no. And she told me i could do better. And to make him feel better i said any girl would be luck to go out with him so i kissed his cheek. Bu tin a sisterly way. Second when Mingus kissed my nose it was because he got ice cream on my nose and lick it off. They did get when i said eww and pushed him off the table. Chandler i would never cheat oon you with my brother. I swear."

He looked at me. "Are you sure. How about during a zombie apocalypse and Mingus and i were the only guys on the planet. And you had to repopulat the world how would you chose?"

"You dumbass. Because i love you. Not Mingus. I mean i love Mingus but in a brotherly way."

"Fine i forgive you." 

I hugged him and he hugged me. 

~~~24 hours later~~~

"This picture was taken yesturday. Of Chandler Riggs and Liesel Reedus having a fight. Did the couple break up because he found that Liesel cheat oh him with her own brother? Or was it something else. Go on Twitter and tweet you answer. In my opinon i think that Liesel and Mingus are going out together. But i don't see how Norman would alow this. Since those are his kids. But then again there not realted. So they could go out. We'll give you more details when we come back after the break. This is Linda Porter saying have a good morning." the news lady.

"I'm going to rip her head off. When i see her."

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