Chapter 114: But You Get What I Mean

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"Are you sure it fits? I don't want to be going down the aisle and half way down I fall down. That would be weird. Are you sure I look ok? I don't want to look like some homeless person. Mingus please tell me I look ok? If I don't i'm blaming your aunt for making the order for this dress cause it says it's supposed to fit and I don-"

"Liesel shut up. It fits perfectly fine. You like amazing, if you weren't my sister I would marry you. Not really because I hate you with all my heart but you get what I mean. You look amazing. Don't worry. He's going to love the dress." Mingus said. 

I ran into his arms and hugged him. "I love you Mingus, I don't know what i'd do without you. Your the best brother ever. Besides Foster, but you get what I mean." I said

"I know what you mean." He said hugging me back. "Now do you want to see what you look like?" 

I nodded my head. He turned me around and I was surprised. The dress was beautiful, my hair was done perfectly. I don't have any words to explain how wonderful everything about this was. "Oh my gosh." I said. 

"Now are you a bit more relaxed?"

"A little bit, but I'm not sure if Chandler's gonna love it. Cause you know him, He doesn't like he wearing anything revealing when we're out. Ugh i'm so nervous. Do you think Chandler's nervous? What if he's already leaving cause he doesn't want to marry me."

"Liesel you're rambling. Calm down. Everything gonna be ok. I promise you that, and if Chandler does leave i'm gonna beat his ass."

I smiled at him. I heard a knock at the door and told them they could come in. It was Norman and my dad. They both smiled and asked if I was ready. I nodded my head and each of them took my arms. 

"Don't worry Liesel. You'll be fine." Norman said. 

"Why is everyone saying that?" I asked

"Cause everything will be fine." My other dad said

We made it to the place where I would be saying I do. All they needed to do was open the doors and in a few minutes I would be Liesel Riggs. My hands were shaking. 

"Ok we're about to-" Norman started

"Wait!!!" I said before he could finish

"What's wrong?"  

"Can I talk to Mingus? I just need to talk him. Please just for a minute, a minute or two. Please." I said

Norman and my dad both nodded their head. Norman opened the door slightly and went out to get Mingus. "Baby girl are you ok? Do you still wanna go out with the wedding?"

"Yes, I do wanna go on with the wedding. I'm just... I just nervous. Mingus calms me down. That's why I wanna talk to him." I said to my dad. 

Chandler's P.O.V

I was waiting for the doors to open so I could see Liesel walk out in a beautiful white dress. But when the doors opened it was Norman. I could see Liesel anywhere. What happened. She wouldn't leave me at the alter. Not after everything we've been through. Maybe's that why she left, because of everything we've been through. Norman came up to Mingus who was my Best Man. 

"Mingus come with me." Norman said

"Why?" Mingus asked

"Liesel wants to talk to you. She keeps asking for you. Just come."

"Is everything ok?" I asked 

"Everything fine. She's just a bit nervous. She wants to talk to Mingus don't worry she'll be fine. We'll be walking down the aisle in a few minutes. Okay?"

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now