Chapter 3: Luck Isn't Everything

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I walked to Norman's trailer and walked inside. I looked around and saw Mingus wasn't inside. I shrugged and sat on the couch. I looked at the T.V and saw he had an X-box and Call of Duty. I decided to play until Mingus comes. I logged into my account and played. When I lived at the foster home they had an X-box for the boys to play, but since none of them would play I played. I saw that right by his T.V was a head set so you could talk to people.

After an hour of playing I started arguing to this guy I was playing with. "You better not go in there you'll die and I'll have to save you then I'll die." I stated.

"Well you're not my mother so i'm going in there we need the bombs if we want to survive." The guys said

He went inside the room. I shook my head and ran in to same him. I was about to die because I had low energy. I quickly tried to kill the zombies that were close to me when I died.

"What the hell was that? I told you not to go in there, but no you didn't listen to me. You're an idiot." I said

"Dude stop be a girl and man up. It's just a game." The guys said

No one knows that i'm a girl because when I play I use this thing where when I talk it makes it sound like i'm a guy. Because if people know I was a girl who would play with me?

"Next time why don't you listen to people, because I bet everyone is smarter than you." I said

"What's going on?" Mingus asked coming into the room.

"Um...Nothing." I said to Mingus. "Got to go bye. Oh and next time listen to the person who's the leader you're else you'll get yourself killed." I said to the guy

"What was the all about?" Mingus asked

"I was playing video game, and I was play with this guy and he went into the room, that I told him not to go in and what does he do? He goes in. I went in after him and he got me killed as well." I said

"Wait... You play video games?" He asked in shock

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"That's amazing. A girl who can play video games? Oh and why was your voice low when you were play? Is it because you don't ant anyone knowing your a girl when you play?" He asked

"Yeah because if people keen I was a girl they wouldn't want to play with me anymore."

"I would still play with you." He said

"Awe thanks Mingus." I said hugging me.

He pulled away and just looked at me. "Never hug me again, but on the other hand what to play?" He asked

"Yea sure why not. I bet I could beat you."

"I bought that. No one has ever beaten the master." He leaned back and fell on the ground. "Ow..."

"Nice going master." I said

"Whatever, but you're still not better than me."

"Wait whats that? Is that a challenge I hear?"

"Yes it is, and if I win you'll have to buy me ice cream and pizza." Mingus said

"Okay fine, but if I win you'll have to buy me pizza and... tell Norman you're pregnant."

"It's a deal" he said shaking my hand once.

We started playing. It was about two hours until I finally won. I did a little victory dance. Mingus watched me dance and shook his head while I did. We won 31 rounds, that's my high score. Mingus stood up and we went to look for Norman so Mingus could do what I told him.

"Hey guys what's up?" Norman asked

"Um...Dad I have something I have to tell you and it's gonna change all of our lives." Mingus said slowly

"Sure what do you have to tell me?"

"Dad I..." Mingus looked at me and then back at Norman. "I'm pregnant!!"

Norman just stood there like if Mingus was telling the truth. He looked at me, and I did all I could to try to not laugh, and let me tell you it was hard.

"How the hell did this happen? It's not possible you're a boy. At least I think you are."

"Norman it was a joke. You should have seen your face." I said laughing. "Okay now that that's done with lets go get pizza." I said like a five year old.

"Sure i'll pay." Norman said

"Not today it's Mingus's turn to pay it was part of our bet."

"What bet?"

"We'll Mingus over here didn't think I could bet him in video games. So I said if I won then he'd have to tell you he's pregnant and buy pizza."

"I swear to god you two are made to be brother and sister. It scares me sometimes."

At the pizza place

"So what do you want on your pizza?" Mingus asked

"Get me the three meat pizza." I said

"Okay i'll be right back." mingus said closing the car door.

"Remember stuffed crust!!!" I yelled as Mingus went inside.

I put on the radio. I started singing Monster by Rihanna and Eminem. I was a pretty good rapper. Norman sang along with me. When the song was over I needed to go to the bathroom so I asked Norman if I could pee.

"Okay just hurry back. Mingus should be back any minute now."

"Okay and one thing you sounded like a dying cat when you were singing. Bye!" I said running out of the car.

I ran inside. This was a pretty big pizza place it was hard not to get lost. I turned the corner and saw Chandler making out with some girl who had ginger hair. My heart dropped. I just stood there and then I said something.

"Chandler?" I asked. I could feel tears starting to come. No don't show emotion.

"Liesel? I can-" He started

Before he could continue I ran out out of the building and into the car. I shut the door and just sat there. I tried my best not to cry.

"Liesel what's wrong?" Norman asked

"N-nothing. C-Can we just go home now?"

"Tell me what happened then we can go." He said right when Mingus got inside the car.

"Came at the wrong time didn't I?"

I explained what happened inside the building. Norman started driving. I felt so stupid. I thought Chandler felt the same way about me, but I was wrong. When we got to the house I just went to the kitchen and looked for some ranch

"Do we not have ranch?" I asked

"No." They both huffed.

"Ugh now how am I supposed to eat my pizza?"

"You eat pizza with ranch?" Mingus asked I nodded my head. "That's gross."

"No it's not it's pure heaven. Now next time we go shopping you're buying ranch."

"Whatever. Well hurry up and eat so we can go shopping and get you a phone." Norman said grabbing a slice.

"You don't have a phone?" Mingus asked. I shook my head. "How the hell do you live?"

I rolled my eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was go shopping. I really didn't want to go. Not after what I saw at the pizza place. 


Chapter: Rewritten. Not spell checked 

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