Chapter 103: One Night

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Chandler and I looked at each other. He mouthed 'sorry'. I just looked at him and sighed. I looked over at Norman and gave him a 'please help me'. He shrugged. "We'll I think this was a fun evening. But I think we should leave." my mom said. "Good thinking." My dad said. 

"Are you sure you can't stay for dessert?" Norman asked. 

"Nope. We need to find a hotel to stay at." My mom said

"We'll maybe you two can stay in the guest room. It's just up the stairs and to the left. Plus you get your own bathroom." Norman said. I mentally face palmed myself. 

"No it's fine. We would be causing to much trouble. It's fine."

"No you wouldn't be causing terrible. I suggest you stay here instead of spending money on a hotel."

"We'll if it's ok with Liesel we'll stay." she said.

Everyone looked at me. I was deciding weather to let them sleep here or not. Norman gave me a look that said 'Just let them stay'. I wanted to stay but I thought it was a bad idea. "I don't mind." I said simply.

"Ok good. We'll just go get our stuff." My mom said taking my dad outside.

I grabbed Normans shirt. "Why in the world would you put that much pressure on me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"They can't stay here." I said

"And why not?"

"Because I told Chandler he could spend the night here. Every month before we get ice cream the next day Chandler spends the night." I said.

"We'll you could have told me that before."

"You've known about this the whole time. I always ask you. And I asked you a few days ago and you said it was alright."

"We'll i didn't know they would be coming today. They were supposed to come tomorrow. So it's not my fault that they came here early."

"I know it's not your fault. It just. I don't want them to think i'm sleeping with Chandler."

"We'll as long as your not then it'll be fine. Just leave you door open like you always do."

I looked at Chandler and then back at Norman. "Fine." 

I hugged Norman and Norman hugged me. My parents came into the room with their luggage. "So where's that guest room again?"

"Liesel go show them their room." Norman said. I nodded my head and started walking upstairs. When we got to the guest room my mom hugged me. "I missed you so much Addison. You don't know how much time i've been crying over you. I spent so much money trying to find my baby girl." She said kissing my for head. 

"Um... I wish I could tell you I've missed you. But i've barely found out about you a few days ago. I'm sorry." I said.

"Oh Addison. It's fine. But I just want you to know how much I love you and how much it means to me that you're willing to meet me after 15 years."

"I'm guessing your really happy. But can I say something?" I asked.

"Sure. Ask away."

"Can you not call me Addison? I've been called Liesel my whole life. I also have some other questions." She nodded her head. "Do I have any other siblings? Do you hate my boyfriend? Would you still let me live with my adoptive dad?"

"First you do have a younger brother and an older sister. Your younger brother is 10 years old his name is Foster. And you have an older sister named Gabrielle. Second I don't hate your boyfriend I just don't like the language. And if you want to live with your adoptive dad it's fine with us. Just as long as we can see you when ever we can."

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