Chapter 115: The News

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My hands trembled as I held it in my hands. I didn't know if I wanted it to be good news or not. Chandler and I barely got married a few months ago. Are we even ready? I'm only 24 years old I don't think i'm ready. 

"Liesel? Anything? Come on. I wanna find out you've been in the bathroom for the past 20 minutes. Just tell me are we having a baby or not."

"Chandler calm down. I'm listing the pros and the cons of having this baby."

"There aren't no cons. Just tell me and we'll talk about it. Just saying we're naming the baby Chandler." I opened the door and hugged him tightly. "So is that a yes on the name?" He asked hugging me back.

"We're having a baby." I said softly.

"We are?!? Oh my god!! I'm gonna be a daddy." He said picking me up and spinning me around. "Thank you for making me a daddy." He said kissing my forehead. 

He set me down. I looked into his eyes. "Thank you for making me a mommy." I said. He hugged me again. He picked me up and took me to the couch. He sat right across from me. He grabbed my hands and kissed them. 

"So about the names."

"Chandler I just found out i'm pregnant. We don't even know if it's a girl or boy yet." I said. 

"I know but we should still think of a name. Please?"

"Fine Chandler. But we're not naming the boy Chandler."


"Ok this might be a bit cold." The doctor said putting the gel on my stomach. I jumped a bit when it touched my stomach, but a few seconds later i got used to it. The doctor smiled at me. "Okay look at the screen and you'll be able to see the baby's head. Suddenly a head appeared on the screen. It was black and white.

"Oh my god. Chandler look at our baby." I said squeezing his hand.

"He's beautiful." Chandler said still looking at the screen. 

"On your last check up did they tell you the sex of the baby?" The doctor asked looking at the two of us.

"No he didn't. We're just assuming the baby is a boy. Cause that's all my dad's been buying me is boy clothes." I said giggling at the end.

"Well you'll need a lot more than that. But would you like to the genders of the babies?"

"Su-Wait did you say babies?" Chandler asked. I was confused at what Chandler said, but then it hit me.

"Yes, your having twins." The doctor said. "Congratulations."

"Oh my god." I hit Chandlers chest. "Did you hear him Chandler? We're having twins!!!" I yelled.

"Twins? As in two? As in two kids are coming out of my wife vagina? As in-"

"Chandler he just said we are having twins. Thats two kids. Twice the I love you. Twice the fun. The kids will have a buddy, oh my god!!! I'm having twins. Theres two kids in my stomach. They're going to be brothers!!!!" I yelled hugging Chandler. I was still laying down but he stood up when the doctor said twins. 

"Would you like to know the gender of the two babies?" He asked

"Yes please." I said, but then I looked at Chandler. He was still in shock over the news. His mouth was wide open. "Chandler?" I asked "You okay?" Nothing. 

"Well i'll just tell you anyways. Your having a boy and a girl." He said

"Oh my god. I ALWAYS WANTED A BABY GIRL!!!!! CHANDLER DID YOU HEAR THAT? I'M HAVING TWINS AND THEYRE A BOY AND A GIRL OH MY GOD!!!!!" I yelled. "Jesus i'm hungry. Chandler?" I asked. His mouth was still wide open. 

"T-Twins?" That's all Chandler could say


I knocked on Normans door. After a few seconds Mingus opened the door. "Hey baby sister. Whoa you're getting huge." He said touching my belly. "So did you find out the gender today?" 

"Yeah. But I wanna tell you and Norman together. Where is he?"

"He's in the living room. Come on in. Guys make way truck load coming at you." Mingus joked.

"Mingus i'm pregnant not a truck, Shut up." I said

He hugged and and kissed my forehead. "I'm kidding."

I went inside and saw Norman on the T.V. Even though he was 50 something years old he still looked forty. "Hi daddy." I said. He looked away from the T.V and smiled

"Hey Liesel. Oh lord look at you. You're getting bigger every time I see you. When was the last time I saw you like a week ago? So did you find out the gender of the baby?"

"Yeah. So we went to the doctors today." I grabbed Chandlers hand. "And we got very exciting news." I said and looked at Chandler. 

"We're having twins." We said at the same time. 

"Oh my god." They said at the same time.

"I'm so happy. Congratulations." Norman hugged me

"Wait i'm not done yet. Norman you'd best return some of the clothes because you're also having a grand daughter."

"Wait i'm having both? A grand-daughter and a grand-son?"

"Yeah." I said

"Oh my god. Any names? Cause you are 7 months in. You need names." Norman said

"We'll I can't find any girl name. I'll try to find one soon. Chandler's mom is picking the boys name. I might find the girl name." I said sitting down.

"We'll try to find a good one. So you're daughter doesn't hate it when she's older." He said

"I know I know. But we've always thought that the baby was going to be a boy, so I thought might not even think of a girl name. We weren't even thinking of any names." I said.

"Yeah I know. The clothes I got for the baby get the ones you don't like give them back to me and i'll return them from girl clothes okay?"

"But I love all the boy clothes. You don't have to worry about the clothes for the baby girl. I'll get them."

"You're paying off you student loans. Liesel you still need like what 42, 000 left? Let me take care of it. If you want to keep the baby clothes then i'll buy more. Please Liesel I want to do this. She's my grand-daughter."

"Dad. You're also paying off Mingus student loans. I have money. I want to be able to buy things for my babies. You've paid for the crib, car seat, changing set, toy, clothes, bottles, everything."

"How about this. I pay for another crib and car seat. You can pay for everything else."

"Thank you. You still coming to the baby shower this weekend?" I asked

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Just asking. We'll i'll see you there." I said getting up. 


I'M SORRY!!!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have no excuses I'm sorry. I'll update again soon. Maybe next week. Until next time.......


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