Chapter 12: Keep Talking

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When I saw him I wanted to kill. After everything he did to me. I know I killed his best friend but did he really have to get me back? By hurting Chandler and I? I thought he went to far, and it backfired on him.

"I will leave you three alone so you can talk. If you need me I'll be outside of the door." The man said

"Thank you." I said

"Why'd you come and see me? I thought after I did all of this you'd be done with me one and for all." Cole said

"Yeah I am done with you. Trust me I never wanna see your face ever again. So what I'd what you to do is rot in this prison. I hope they lock you in the back of the prison and torture you and the best part nobody will be able to hear you're screams."

"Liesel calm down." Chandler said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen to you're boy toy Liesel."

"Oh my fucking god. Shut the fuck up."

"Well we're in America and I can do what I want. This is a free country. So you can't make me shut up."

"Yah I can. We have five police guards outside of this cell." I said walking towards him. Chandler grabbed my arm, and then walked in front of me and looked at me in the eyes.

"Diesel don't listen to him. He's only trying to get to your head."

"Looks like your girlfriend had some problems." Cole said

"Look we're just here to talk to you about what happened, that's all."

"Fine then. Talk, or get out."

"I'm sorry for killing you're best friend. I didn't mean to and you know that. I'm sorry okay? But it was a long time ago you have to let it go."

"You don't realize how close Liam was to me. He was my best friend. He was like my own brother, but then you had to go out and kill him."

"My parents didn't want me and I let that go. They were my god damn parents Cole. They were supposed to be there for me, they weren't. If I can let go out them not wanting me. Then you can let go of you're best friend."

"But i'll never have the friendship I had with Liam. It was one of a kind. I want him to be my best friend not anybody else."

"Yeah and I'll never have the same feelings I had with my real parents. You can get over it. I know you can."

"But how? It's not that easy."

"It takes time. You just need to remember that good times you had with him. Not the bad one, then just let go."

"It's hard to let go. I don't want to."

"I know it's hard, but you need to."

"I just- I just miss him so much."

"Don't worry you'll be with him soon. But you can't go around getting revenge on me when you want too. Liam wouldn't want that. He would want you to forgive me."

"I just thought I need to do that. You hurt Liam so I thought if I hurt someone you loved we'd be even."

"Well you didn't. You don't even want to get even with people. You just have to be the bigger person. It already hurts that I killed him, don't put me in more. Plus if I could go back I'd change everything that happened that day I would do it in a heart beat."

"You would?" I nodded my head. "Thanks you made me feel so much better."

"You're welcome. My dad is putting a restating order against you. From this day forward you can't be within 100 feet from me."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now