Chapter 42: Going Back To The Past

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I stayed in the bathroom until Norman left my room. When he did i grabbed my suitcase and filled it clothes and other stuff. In the middle of the night i was going to leave. No one cared about me here so why would i stay. I set my alarm clock to 12 in the morning. I fell asleep. The same thing happened with me that happens every night. My night terrors. 

My alarm was going off. I stood up and grabbed my suitcase. I walked carefully threw the hallways trying not to wake anyone. When i got the door i left a note by the table that was by the door. I started walking until i reached the foster home. People driving in there cars stared at me. I knocked on the door and Sara opened the door.

"Liesel?" Sara said half awake. "What are you doing here?"

"Norman told me to give you this note. He didn't want me anymore."

"Come on in. You must be cold."

I walked inside. Everything looked the same. It was good being in this house again. I sat down on the couch while Sara grabbed her glasses. She smiled at me.

"It great to have you back here."

"It's good to be back. Has anything happened?"

"Yea. Brooke, Robbie, Peter and Lucy got adopted. And we have new kids her. One girl and one boy. The girl name is Pagie and the boy name is Harry."

"Wow. I bet they are in great homes."

"Well we should get you to bed. Lights were out 4 hours ago young lady." she said sacarltily

I went to the bed i always slept in. It was not as comfy as it was before. But it'll do. When i woke up i went down stairs. Everyone was up and eatting breakfast. The kids were suprised to see me. Ella and Stef came and hugged me.

"Do you want some Ham?"

"Yea sure."

Ham.....Ham....Ham....Sam. Oh my gosh i totally forgot about Sam. He was moving today. I looked at the clock. 12 o'clock. He was leaving in 2 hours.

"Sara can i get out of the house for a couple hours."

"You know the rules Liesel. You can't leave this without us."

"Please one of my friends is moving and i said i would say bye to him." I lied. I just wanted to see Sam one more time.

"Ok but hurry back. If your not home by 3 i'm going out there to look for you."

"Thank you."

(Norman's POV.)

(Earlier in the morning 7:30)

I woke up and brushed my teeth. I had to shoot today. Mingus was already down stairs eatting breakfast. But Liesel wasn't down there.

"Hey Mingus where's Liesel?" i asked

"Probably still sleeping."

"This girl. She going to be late for school."

I went upstairs and walked into Liesel room. She wasn't there. Maybe she was in the bathroom. She wasn't there eithier. I started getting worried. I looked all around the home. There was no sign of her anywhere.

"Mingus she not here. Most of her stuff is gone. I looked threw her dresser everything gone. She not here."

"Where could she be?"

"I dont know."

I walked towards the door and saw a peice of paper. It read......

Dear Norman and Mingus

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now