Chapter 35: Bad News

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When i woke up i looked at my clock. It was 10:09 am. I was exicted it was Sam's and I 6 month annivestivy. I woke him up.

"Why'd you wake me?" he asked

"Don't you know what today is?"

"What?" he said yawning

"It's our six month annivertivy. Dumby."

"Oh yea." his said scarthing his head "Happy A-Annivestivy." he said kinda huggin me

"Wow i feel special." i said

"I'm sorry i'm tried s-so tired."

"Well do you want your gift?" 

"What gift?" he said lifting his head from the pilliow

"The gift i bought you."

"You know you didn't have to buy me anything."

"Yes i did."

"Well what did you get me?"

"I'll tell you once you get off your but and into the show. Then we need to get breakfast. When we are eatting i'll give you your gift."

I got up and went to my suit case. There was a note from Chandler in here. Why would Chandler leave me a note? I opened it up and it said 

Dear Liesel,

Hey it's me Chandler. I wanted to say i have some bad news for you. The only reason that Sam went with you the California is because in 2 weeks he's going to move. He going spend every minute with you. He doesn't know that i put this in your suitcase. Please pretend you dont know that he's moving.

Love Chandler.

Sam's going to move? Chandler has to be lying, but what if he isn't. I cant lose my boyfriend. Everything would be ruined. How come Sam never told me he's moving? Is he scared? Or maybe Chandler's lying about this whole thing. Maybe he's trying to be get me back. I was goign to find out myself today. I put the note back in my suitcase and got  dressed. (Picture on the side.) When i was done i sat on my bed waiting for Sam to be done. When he came out we went down stairs. I took the present and gave it to him.

"Open it." i said

He opened it. When he did i saw a huge smile on his face. I had gotten him a brand new watch. It was really expentise. 

"Do you love it?" i asked

"Yea. I love it."

"I got it engraved. Look on the back."

"It say I love you so much happy 6 month anniestivy Sam. This must have cost youa fortuchen."

"Kinda but i dont care as long as you love it."

"Well i do. Thanks. Now hears you present."

I was about to open the box. What could be in here? I was scared to open it. When i was in the middle of thinking Sam asked what was wrong. What was wrong? Why was i scared of opening it? I opened it. In the box was a charm bracelt. It had so many charms on it.

"Wow it's beautiful." i said

"You like it?" 

"No i love it. How come there are so many charms on it?"

"Because all of the charms are from the dates we've had. The skateborad is when we first time we meet. The ice cream was when we fist kissed. The popcorn is our first date."

"Wow. What about this one that says Ellen?"

"That one was when you confirmed we were dating. Since Chandler ruined the first one."

"Thank you so much. I love it."

"I love you." he said

"I love you to." i said kissing him "We should probably go upstairs."

"Yea we should."

We walked up stairs hand and hand. When we walked in Mingus was in boxers. And Norman was wacthing T.V.

"Did we miss anything?" Sam said

"No why?" Mingus said

"Because your only in boxers." i said

"I know i better go change in the bathroom." he said

"Yea you better."

I laid down on my dads bed and hugging him. Sam laid down on our bed. Norman grabbed my hand and looked at my charm bracelt.

"Who got you this?" Norman asked

"Sam did. Do you like it?"

"Yea. Sam how much did it cost?" he asked Sam. I looked over at him

"I'm not telling. Because i forgot how much it cost."

"Sam can i talk to you outside for a second?" i asked


We started walking outside into the hallway. Once we were out there i sat down on the ground. Sam looked at me wierd.

"Whats wrong?"

"Tell me the truth. Are you moving?" i asked

"Who told you that?"

"Please just answer my question. Are you moving?"

"Yes i am."

I started crying. "How come you never told me this?"

"I thought if i told you you'd be mad."

"Why are you moving?"

"My mom got a new job in New York"

"Oh when are you moving?"

"2 week."

"I gonna miss you."

"I'll always be here." he said hugging me

"I wish you didn't have to move."

"I know i know. I wish i didn't have to move either." he said kissing my forhead

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now