Chapter 113: Me Too

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My hands trembled as I dialed Adam's number. I wasn't sure how I should do this. Should I just say I'm done? Or that I'm not into him? Or just say I can't do it anymore. Why is this so hard? One ring. I'm scared why will he say? Two rings. Will he be mad? Will he be sad? Three rings. I'm just gonna hang up and go back to New York and tell him. 

"Hello?" Adam asked on the other end of the call

"Adam. I didn't think you we're gonna answer." I said. 

"We'll I was at work, but you're more important." Why does he have to make this so much harder? Just come out and say it. "So how's it over there?"

"Oh it's good. What about over there?" I asked. I have to stop avoiding it. Right when he answers just say it. 

"It's good. I'm just missing you. I miss waking up next to you. Hey so my mom was wondering-"

"I can't do this anymore." I interrupted him

"What?" He asked

"I'm sorry Adam. I can't go on with the wedding." 

"Why not?" 

"Because. Listen I like you and all, but I don't think we were made for each other. I'm sorry. I still have feelings for someone else."

"But all he does is hurt you. I care for you. He doesn't. Please Liesel think about this. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with him?"

"Yes, I do Adam. I'm sorry. I've already called Mr. Hudson and told him I'm quitting. I'm gonna go back this weekend and get my stuff. I'm sorry Adam."

"But Liesel-" I hung up on him

I held the phone close to my chest and cried. Slowly I went towards the ground. Once I was down I cried even more. I didn't even know why I was crying. I felt like that was to harsh on him. He cared so much for me, and I ruined that for him. He's heartbroken. I'm one of those people now, where they break up with you over the phone. 

"Hey Liesel I was wonder- Oh my god are you ok?" Mingus ran to my side and hugged me tightly "What happened?" He asked trying to look at my face. 

"I did it." I said softly 

"Did what?" 

"I did it Mingus I did it. I broke up with Adam. It's over. I'm a terrible person Mingus. Why did I do it?" I said

"You broke it off with Adam? No wedding?"

I shook my head. "No wedding." Mingus pulled me in closer 


"Are you ready m'lady?" Chandler asked when I opened the door

"Of course I am." I said I grabbed his hand and we started walking. 

Chandler and I were starting over again. A new start, and let me tell you it felt good. For the past few year i've began to wonder what it felt like to hold Chandlers hand, go on dates with him, talk to him, anything really. All I wanted was to hang out with him, and be myself. And I got that chance. 

"So tell me what happened with Adam."

"We'll I called him and told him it was off. I haven't heard from him. So I really don't know how he took it. When I hung up on him I was crying. It felt so terrible just breaking things off with him like that. Now i'm one of those people."

"Those people? What people?"

"The kind that breaks off a relationship over a phone. It's terrible. I know what's like to be broke up over a phone Chandler. I know what it feels like. It feels terrible."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now