Chapter 33: The Punishment

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I sat there until Norman came into the office. He looked pretty pissed off. I knew why he was pissed off, he had to shoot today. So im pretty sure getting a phone calling tell him his daughter is in trouble for texting in class got him extra mad. Norman looked at me. Then  Mr. Piper started talking.

"Hello Mr. Reedus. Please take a seat." he said 

"Liesel why would you get in trouble?" Norman asked me

"I dont know. I didn't mean to."

"Mr. Reedus i am aware that i was bothering you at work. I am truly sorry."

"It's fine."

"Now i assume that you know what Miss. Reedus did."

"Yes i am. I just can't believe should would do that on her first day. Why did you do it honey? Is it because i made you come to school?"

"No. I just need to tell Sam something." i said

"I'm pretty sure it could have waited. " Norman said

"I so sorry."

"Would you like to see the messages she was sending Mr. Reedus?" Mr. Piper asked

"Yes i would."

Mr. Piper gave him my phone. I was worried i would get intourble and not be able to go to California this weekend. I really wanted to see Ellen. But if he punished me i probably wont be able to go. When he was done reding the text messages he looked up at me. He was really mad.

"Mr. Reedus you know that we have some extra classes after school that Miss. Reedus could do to make up for this. If you would like to sign her up then i would be glad to get you an appicaltion."

"No. I cant sign her up. She already to busy after school." Norman said not taking his eyes of me

"Well we could have her do something over the weekend."

"That wont either we have to go to California this weekend."

"Ok i understand."

"Don't worry i'll punish her at home."

"Ok. Liesel you better get to your next class it's about to start. You have a good day Mr. Reedus." Mr. Piper says

"You to." he says walking out of the room.

We walked out of his office into the hallway.

"Liesel i'm very dispointed in you."

"I know i'm sorry." i said looking at the ground

"When we get back from California you going to be punished."

"Ok dad. I got to get to class now."

"Wait before you go give me your phone."

"But dad."

"No buts now hand it over."

I gave my phone to him. He told me not to get in anymore touble. When he left i walked to my next class. First i went to the bathroom. My eyes were kinda red. But i didn't care. I walked to class. When i reached the room i went inside. The teacher was in the middle of teaching them something. I gave her my slip. I had skiped one class because of the thing that just happened. So now i was in science. I didn't pay attenetion to what the teacher was saying. I guess that i was in Lala land because the teacher had been calling my name and the class was looking at me. The guy next to me poked me and told me the teacher was calling me.

"Miss. Reedus!"


"Would you care to pay attention?"

"I'm sorry."

After that i started paying attention. A couple minutes later the bell rang. The next class i had was with Chandler. I went to all my classes adn then i went home. Mingus and i waited outside for Norman. I didn't talk to him at all. Come to think of it i haven't talked all day. Sam tought i was mad at him. Chandler thinks that someone dared me to not talk. And Mingus still thinking about it.

"Come on talk to me." Mingus said

"Fine. What do you want?"

"I want to know why your sad?"

"Haven't you heard?"


"Well i got in trouble today for texting in class."

"Oh i only heard that someone was texting in class and got sent to the princablas office."

"Well i'm that someone.Now dads going to punish me."

"Don't worry dads punishment aren't that bad."

"Yea but it's the first time i'm getting in trouble. So i'm scared."

"Come lets go dads here."

We walked over to the car Mingus sat in the front and i sat in the back. Norman tried to talk to me but i ignored him. The rest of the ride was quiet. Mingus turned on the radio. The song was Count on me. I was super tired. I put my head by the window and looked at the cars. I remember when we went on field trip at the foster hom we would count the cars. Everyone would pick a color and count the cars that were the color you chose. I never played with them. I was in my own little world. When we reached the house i went to my room. I laid down on my bed. Norman came into my room.

"Liesel we need to talk."

"Go ahead and talk then."

"I wanted to talk about your punishment." he said sitting on my bed. "Since Sam was in this problem your not allowed to go to his house for a week."

"Dad thats not fair. All i did was text in class."

"I really dont care. You cant watch T.V for a week. And you'll get your phone back in a month."

"What if the studio calls? And they need me to shoot a scence."

"Then i'll answer it and i'll tell you. Next time do text in class."

"Your so unfair." i yelled

"You just earned yourslef another mouth without your phone."


"If you keep that adituide you wont be able to go to California."

"Dad i need to go. I cant just bail on Ellen."

"I know you cant but keep it up and i'll canell it."

"Fine." i said starting to cry

"Now Liesel you dont need to cry." he said putting his arm around me.

I pushed his arm off me and went to the bathroom. I stayed in there for about 3 hours. Why is he like this? I never thought in a million year he would do this to be. But i was wrong. 

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now