Chapter 53: My New Friend Aurora

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Hey my beautiful bubbley people. Like I said I was going to pick someone to be Liesels BFF. But I could pick just one. So everyone that commented before the end of Tuesday will get to be part of Liesel's group. Don't worry this chapter will be about Aurora then in other chapter I will introduce the rest of you. Read on.



I just at them. My smile turned into a frown. As Hazel was waiting she turned her head and saw us. Before she came over to us she said something to Rachel. I really didn't want to talk go Hazel. Be has turned on me. Ever since I got kicked off the movie and Rachel got the part she has been hanging out with Rachel. And has totally forgot about me.

"Hey guys." Hazel said

"Hey." Everyone said besides me

"Liesel how you been?" She asked me

"I'd be better if you weren't here."

I just got up from my seat and walked to the bathroom. Everyone just looked at me. But I didn't care what they thought of me. They perfectly knew that Hazel has been ignoring me.

(Hazel's POV)

What's up with her. Geez it's only been a few days and she hates me. She knows the only reason I've been hangin out with Rachel is because she new on the set. So they asked me to hang out with her so she won't feel left out.

"What's up with Liesel?" I asked them

"You know. Your the one ignoring her." Chandler yelled at me

"Have not. I've only been hanging out with Rachel because they asked me to."

"So you could atleast spend some time with her." Chandler said eating his ice cream.

"I'm going to go talk to her. But before I do. Mingus are we still on for tonight?"


"Ok pick me up around 7."

Mingus and I have been hanging out a lot. I think he might ask me out. Hopefully. I walked into the bathroom. Liesel was sitting on the sinks. She was on her phone. Once I closed the door she looked at me.

"Now this place is off my check list of place you have been. So now is there a place where I can be alone. Whit out you ruining it?" She asked

"Liesel why are you mad at me?" I asked

"You know why."

"Ok I'm sorry that I've been hanging out with Rachel a lot. The studio asked me to hang out with her."

"We'll you know what I do need your charity."

"What charity?"

"You felt pity for me didn't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The only reason you wanted to be my friend with me was because you knew that I had abuise parents and you felt pity for me."

"That's not true."

"What ever keeps you sleeping at night." I said leaving the bathroom.

(Mingus POV)

I had to admit I really like Hazel. But I also liked Kassy. I didn't know what to do. I think I was going to ask Hazel out. Why do I always have to go out with girls that Liesel doesn't like? Oh we'll. My love life not hers.

"I'm going to go talk to her. But before I do. Minus we still on for tonight?" Hazel asked


"Ok pick me up around 7." She said before she left.

I could feel my face heating up. Everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked

"What do you mean what?" Andrew asked

"Why are you guys starting at me?"

"We'll you never told us you going out with Hazel." My dad said

"That's cause I'm not. I'm dating Kassy."

"Then what was that little scence that happened?" Steven asked

"Can't two friends go out on a Friday night and not have it be a date?"

"NO." Everyone said

"Don't worry. Hazel and I are only friends. Plus I don't think she likes me the way I like her."

"Are you kidding me. She so likes you." Andrew said with a thick British accent

(Liesels POV)

I started walking to park. Why was everyone using me. I was on my phone. Then all the sudden a little kid ran into me. His head hit my stomach. I feel down and so did the kid. Someone ran up to the kid. My vision my blurry. But what I could tell was that she had medium sized black hair and bright baby blue eyes like me

"I'm sorry. Are you ok?" She asked

"Yea I'm fine. Atleast I didn't run into a bull. Now that would have been a mess."

"Joey say sorry," she said to the kid.

"Sorry." Joey said

"It's fine. I'm Liesel by the way"

"I'm Aurora."

"I like your name."

"Thanks me to. I mean I like your name. Why would I like my name. Not that there's anything wrong with my name. It's just that I meant I like my name but I also like your name. It's so unquie." She said in one breath

"Don't worry. I know what you meant."

"Ok good because some people don't understand me."

"We'll i do."

She smiled. We sat down and talked all afternoon. It turns out we had a lot in common. I told her about Norman beefing my dad. I was surprised she didn't ask for my sigurture.

"I'm sorry but I got to go now. But here's my number." Aurora said

"And here's mine."

"So I'll talk to you later?"

"Yea. Bye"


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