Chapter 73: Lucas & His friends

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~~~A Few Days Later~~~

After i got out of the hostipal we wentback home. All i had was a ton of bruise. Norman still didnt believe that i fell off the trailer. Butwho am i supposed to say that Lucas did this? If i told he would kill me. When we were home Norman satme down on the couch.

"I'll be back sweetheart im going to go make some hot chocolate for you." Norman said

"Remember how i like it?"

"Yes i do. Ive made you hot chocolate millions of times."

Norman went into the kicthen. Then i got a text from Lucas. Great. This day just gets better and better. It said

From: Lucas 

To: Liesel

Hey Sweet cheeks. I heard you got out of the hositpal. How about you come over? I wanna introduced you to some of my friend. They are just like me but WORSE. So comedont be scared. But just remember if you tell anyone about this i will kill you. And if you dont come i'll hurt you 10 times worse then i planned for today.

What am i supposed to do? I really need to tell someone. But who? No one would believe me. They all think Lucas is an innocent angle. When he's really a devil. 

"Here you go Honey. Some of my world famous hot chocolate." he handed me the cup.

"Dad you forgot the eatble oreo staw." i said

"Oh yea. Hold up."

Norman came back with the oreo straw. He noticed i was sad.

"Liesel whats wrong?" Norman asked


"We'll if its nothing then lets talk about what happened at the trailer."

"I really dont want to talk about it."

"Sweetie please i know your lying about falling of the trailer. Tell me the truth."

"If i told you you would never believe me. Plus i cant tell you. Im sorry y life depends on it. Im sorry i just cant tell anyone."

"Listen to me. It's just the two of us. You can tell me anything. I promise i wont tell anyone."

"Dad you cant keep that promise cause as soon as i tell you you'll wanna tell someone. Im sorry im going to Lucas's"

I ran out the door. Why did i have to be so stupid. Every step i took i thought of every bad thing Lucas would do to me. About his friends? Im just so scared maybe should have told Norman. Once i got to Lucas's house i lightly knocked on the door.

"Oh look who it is Liesel. Come on in." Lucas said

I saw about 3 other guys in the room. One with blonde hair and green eyes. He was really tall. The second one had brown hair and brown eyes. He had musle. The last guy had black hair and bright baby blue eyes. He looked the meanest of all. Lucas pushed me down to the ground and i landed in the front of the boys.

"So this is the piece of trash were beating today?" the one with black hair asked

"Now boys lets not be rude lets tell her our names." The one with blonde hair.

Lucas told me there names. The guy with Blonde hair names is Ronnie. The guy with brown hair is Haiden. The guy with black hair is Austin. 

They all started hitting me. One of the guy grabbed a knife and cut me everywhere. My whole body was covered in blood. Another guy grabbed a stool and kept hitting me with it until it broke. I couldnt move my body. If i did more blood would come out of me. Or the guys would beat me even more. They took a break. So i took this time to get upstairs and lock the door.

There was a trail of blood on the steps. I use the streath that i still had and conutied upstairs. When i got to the top step i saw somesones feet. I looked up and saw Haiden. He laugh

"Where you going sweet cheeks?" he asked

"Anywhere besides here."

He pulled me up. "Listen to me. When your here you listen to us.So get back down stairs."


"Fine. I push you down there."

Before i could answer he pushed me down. I put my hands on my head so it would do any damge to it. As i was rolling down more and more blood came out. It looked like someone ran over me a millions times. When i was down on the last step my lip quivered.

My head hurt. They finally stopped hittingonce and for all. Lucas took me back home.I knocked on the door and Norman answered it.

"Oh my god what happened?" Norman asked

"Lucas..Owww." i said

I was going to tell Norman that Lucas and his friends were beating me but Lucas hit my back. And right now my back was hurting. Blood covered my back. So when he hit it it hurt like hell.

"I was going to say i was in a car accdenit." i said

"How what happened?" he asked

"I walked across the street and a car ran over me. And Lucas saw me. So he helped me." i said

"Thank you Lucas...."

"Garret. Garret is my last name."

"Thank you.'

"Yep no problem."

Lucas left and Norman sat me down on the couch. And called the hosiptal. Once he was done he can over to me.

"What did that boy do to you?" Norman asked


Cliffhanger. Well kinda hope you liked the chapter. I really didnt try on this chapter. But guess what i start school tomorrow. Booo! I really dont wanna start. But he bright side is i get to see my other two best friends. I didnt miss my first best friend WonderlandWinter cause i talk to het every single day. And plus ive seen her alot. My other two friends i havent seen at all. But yeah. And i get to see my crush. If my best best freind isnt lying he might ask me out this year. 

I dont know. Maybe. Oh well i shouldnt get my hopes up. So yeah ill update soon. Until till next time


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