Chapter 29: He's Right

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I woke up the next morning on the floor still in my dress. Chandler and Sam were in my room sleeping in my bed. The funny part was that Chandler had Sam's foot in his face. I took a picture of them and posted it on Twitter. In about 5 mintues i got 2,000 favorites. The new thing that was trending is #ChandlerSamSleeping and #CutiesSleepingtogether. 

I had to wake up Chandler and Sam some how. I went downstairs filled a bucket of cold water and went upstairs again. I counted to three and poured it on them. They both shoot up.

"What the heck was that for." Sam said stading up.

"Oh nothing i was just trying to wake you up." i said

"Well you could of just done it the way you always do. Screaming in peoples ears." Chandler said

"This way was better."

"Who did you carry the bucket anyways? Your hand is broken." Chandler asked

"Its called using my other hand. Dumby." i said

"Come here. We want to give you a hug." Sam said walking towards me.

"No." i yelled laughing. But i was to late Chandler and Sam were huggin me. And i was getting wet.

We were laughing on the floor. Soon we were all talking. Sam had his arm around me he whole time.

"Yesturday was fun." Chandler said

"Yea for you. You got the most screen time." i said

"Yea Chandler. Stop taking the spotlight away from Liesel." Sam said huggin me.

I had my legs on his. I was leaning against the wall. The floor was wet. Norman came in and slipped on the water. We all laughed.

"Why is there water on the floor?" Norman said

Chandler and Sam both pointed at me.

"Liesel why is there water all over the floor?" he asked

"I was trying to wake these two up."

"Next time just wake them up by yelling at them in there ears." he said


"Now go get dried up. I need to talk to downstairs."

"Am i in trouble?"

"No. Its something important i need to talk to you about." he said leaving

"Well guys i got to go home and get cleaned up." Chandler said 

"Ok. See you later." I said

"Do you want me to take you home Sam?"

"Nah im good."

"K bye guys." he said leaving

I went into the bathroom and a tang top and some pajamas pants. I was blow drying my hair when sam came in. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What do you want?" i asked

"What i cant say hi to my girlfriend?"

"Ummm.... No."


"I know."

Sam stood next to me and shook his head like a dog. He got water all over me.

"You know a better way of getting the water out of your hair?" i said devilish

"What?" he said scared

"This." i said pointing my blow dryer on him. He ketp trying to put it down. I knew he hated it. But i still blowed the air in his face. I finally stopped.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now