Chapter 38: I'm Not Lying

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When P.E was over i went to the rest of my classes. Sam and I walked home together. Not like a couple's thing. Just like a friends way. I missed hanging out eith him. He was going to be leaving me in a week. 

"So how you been?" He asked

"Bad." i said


"Because you know how i was gone for half the day?" he nodded his head "Well i was at Dr. Renolds office. He made me go to sleep and while i was asleep i guess i was having a terrible nightmare. And while i had a nightmare i had an asthma attack."

"Oh my gosh are you ok?"

"Yea i'm fine."

"Ok that's good. I wouldn't want you to die on me." we both laughed

"I'm really gonna miss you Sam." i said looking in to his blue eyes and he looked into mine.

"Me to."

I stopped looking into his eyes. "I wish you didn't have to move."

"I know but i do."

"When do you start packing?"

"Today. Tomorrow is my last day in school. Cause we are leaving in 3 days counting today."

"I thought you were leaving on Saturday. And now you leaving on Wednesday?"

"Yea sorry."

I could feel a tear come down my check. Sam saw me crying he tried to make me stop but nothing work. We finally reached my house and i went inside and he stood there. I went up to my room and saw as Sam lefted. It started raining but i didn't care. I went outside and sat there. The rain started coming down hard. Norman finally made me come inside. MIngus was inside i finally remembered that i need to tell him about Kassy.

"Mingus i need to tell you somerhing important." i said

"Can't it wait." he said

"No it can't" i said turning off the T.V

"What do you want?"

"Kassy using you."

"No she isn't stop lying." he said turning on the T.V but i turned it off again

"I'm not lying. She's my biological sister. Her and me have the same parents. She trying to get revenge on me for putting my parents in jail."

"Now your just making this up. If you don't like me dating Kassy then why don't you just say that."

"I'm not mad at you for dating her. I'm just saying she's using you."


"I'm n-not lying.' i said softly.

I started getting red. I was shaking, Everytime Mingus would yell at me i  would breath heavyly. I was on the floor now.

"Oh my gosh Liesel are you ok."

I shook my head "I-I-nhaler In-in haler" i said

Mingus grabbed my inhaler and i puffed it. I sat on the couched. Mingus felt pretty bad that he was yelling at me.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." he said

"I-it's fine. I knew you wouldn't believe. And let me just say i'm telling the truth." i said going to my room.

I sat down and remembered that i had no homework. Which is good because i wasn't in the mood to do homework. I feel asleep and had another nightmare.


I was running through the woods. Some one was chasing me.

"Come here my darling." i heard someone say

"Leave me alone."

"Why do you have to lie to Liesel?"

"Mingus is that you?"

"Why do you have to lie to me?" he said coming closer to me

I tried to run but there a clear way infront of me so i couldn't move at all. Mingus came out with a chainsaw.

"Now if you keep lying to me i'll kill you."

"I'm not lying."

"Worng answer." he said cutting off my arm.

"Are you lying about Kassy?"

"No. I'm not."

"Wrong answer. he said in a creepy voice. He cut off my another arm. 

Soon i was die. Everything beisde my head was cut off. I could still talk the last thing i said was



I woke up because Mingus was shaking me. He said i was saying in my sleep that i wasn't lying

"I talk in my sleep?" i asked

"Yep. Why were you saying you're not lying?"

"I had a dream that you were cutting off my arms and asking me question about what i told you yesturday. I'm not lying she really is really using you. If i were you i would break up with her."

"I believe you."

"You do?"

"Yea why else would you have a nightmare about me cutting your arms off and asking you question about Kassy."

"So your not mad."

"Nope. Don't worry i'll break up her."

"Thank you so much." i said hugging him

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now