Chapter 57: Just Like The Horror Movie

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Everyone was eating a slice of pizza. In my mind I was so excited. Yay. My 1st sleepover with only girls. I sat down and put in the movie. We watched The Starving Games. It was the funniest movie ever. We were at the part were Taylor Swift is singing to Rue right before she dies.

-Everyone Laughs-

"This is the funniest movie ever." Polly said

"I know right." I said

"This is such a weird movie." Summer said

"Oh we'll it's funny." I said

I looked at the clock and it said 10 pm. Everyone was so busy watching the movie so I decide to call Chandler. When I called him he sounded like he was sleeply.

"Hello?" Sleeply Chandler asked

"Hey babe how are you?"

"Good why are you calling?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're ok."

"Yea I'm fine. Oh hey did it go good with Polly?"

"Yea. She's sleeping over at my house. Were watching The Starving Game."

"Lucky. We'll I got to go now. I have an interview in the morning. Do you wanna to come?"


"Ok Bye."


We both hung up and I contuied watching the movie. Every now and then we would laugh. Once the movie was done we watched Mama. Everyone else got scared but I didn't. I loved horror movie. I thought they were funny. I mean everyone knows when you hear or see something weird you don't go towards it. Duh. But oh we'll. There was a scary part in the movie. I didn't even see it coming. Everyone screamed.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Everyone yelled

The lights went out. The room was dark. No one could see anything. Aurora hugged me. Polly hugged Summer. I could hear someone walking towards my room. Everyone was so scared. Aurora and I scooted over to where Polly and Summer were. No one said anything. Then the thing I heard was so close to the door. His hand was on the door none. He twisted it. We scared. Lighting hit the ground. Along came Thunder. The person pointed a flashlight to us. We screamed again.

"Stop Screaming." I heard Normans voice say


"I just came to make sure you ok. The lights went out in my room. So I was wondering if it came out in your room."

"It did."

We heard another noise. This time Norman hid behide us.

"Dad?" I said scared

"If there is someone there maybe he'll kill you first. And it'll give me time to run."

"Dad? Don't do this. What if it is a killer."

"I explained it already,"

Lighting and thunder hit. The person who was making all the noise came into my room. It was Mingus. Everyone but my screamed. Norman screamed like a girl. Mingus looked like he'd just woke up.

"What's with all the screaming?" He asked scratching his head

His hair was in all different directions. He looked like the hair monster. Or maybe like a wolf.

"The lights went out and you and Norman scared us." Polly said

"Yea don't ever do that to us." Summer said

"Your so mean Mingus." Aurora said

"We'll sorry. You guys were screaming and I could go to sleep because of the thunder and Lighting." He apologize

"We should go to sleep. I have to go to an Intreview tomorrow with Chandler."

"Ok good night." Norman and Mingus said leaving my room.

Everyone fell asleep on my bed. It was huge bed so all of us fit. It was a good sleep over until the storm, Norman and Mingus had to ruin it. But it was still fun.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now