Chapter 23: She What?

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"What are you talking about?"

"You heard me."

"No I don't think I did."

"Yes you did I said she cheated on you with your best friend."

"Your lying."

"I'm not. I saw them with my eyes."

"She would never go with Sam never in a million years."

"We'll I saw them making out at the park."

"Where's your proof?"

"I-I don't have any!"

"See there your lying."

"Fine then don't be coming to me when she breaks your heart."

"Trust me I won't. She ain't as stupid as you."

"What do you mean by me!"

"She would never go with Sam unlike you."

"I never went with Sam."

"Yes you did when you first met him. I went to go and get snacks.


"Hey Sam" I said

"Hey who's this?"

"This is my girlfriend Rachel."

"Hey." She said

"Is it ok if she watches the movie with us?"

"Yea sure."

We all sat on the couch. In the middle of the movie I went to get snacks

"I'll go get some snack."

"So Sam." She said

"Yea?" He said turning his head

"Have you had your first kiss?"

"No why?"

"I'll make you first kiss happen right now."


"Like this." She says siting on his lap and kissing him

"Get off of me." He said breaking the kiss.

"No now stop talking and keep kissing me." She said kissing him again


"When I came back he was trying to get you off of him."

"That was a long a time ago."

"That happened before I meet Liesel."


(Rachel's POV)

I was so mad at him. I turned my head and saw Liesel looking at us. I turned my head and kissed Chandler. And I was shocked when he kissed back.

(Liesel POV)

I couldn't believe what was happening. He was kissing her. I heart broken inside. I want to go under a rock and hide there for the rest of the day. I sniffed and than ran out. I guess Chandler heard me and came running after me.

"Liesel wait. It's to what it looks like."

I stop to let him caught up.

"Why are you crying!"

"For no reason. It's not like I saw my boyfriend kiss his ex girlfriend or something."

"It wasn't what it looked like."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now