Chapter 82: Mingus And I

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I walked home by myself. Chandler and Sam went to Chandlers house. Lindsay went home. So it was only me. I've noticed something. Norman, Mingus and i don't spend alot of time together. Weird. Maybe we could go somewher tomorrow. Cause i really wanna know what's going on in ther lives.

When i got home i opened the door and Norman was in the kitchen cooking dinner. And Mingus was in the living room watching a movie and eatting popcorn. So like the rebel i am i grabbed a handful of popcorn. Mingus shoved me to the side.

"Hey that wasn't very nice." i said

"Yeah and it wasn't very nice to take my popcorn."

"Yes it was nice. Because you need to share the food. All the food in this house is everyones."

"Whatever now move. You blocking my T.V"

"Maybe your T.V is blocking my way."

"That made no sense now move."

I moved out of his way and mumble "that made no sense now move" i said little a little kid. I went into the kitchen and saw Norman making Mac and Cheese with Bacon. Yum. Norman was wearing a 'kiss the cook' apron. Oh boy.

"Hey dad." i said

"Hey Liesel why you back so late?"

"Oh cause Chandler, Sam, Lindsay and i went to the park and lost track of time."

"Oh well that's ok. Are you hungry i made mac and cheese with bacon."

"Hey that's no fair. She came home late and you don't send her to her room? But when i come home late i get sent to my room and get a leature." Mingus said from the living room

"Yea that's cause your sister spends all her time in her room. So if i sent her to her room that wouldn't a punishment. If i want Liesel to be punished i would take her phone and computer away." Norman said "Now get you lazy ass of the couch and into this kitchen to eat."

We all sat down at the table and ate. It was pretty good. We were all talking about our day then Norman turned to me.

"Well dad i was wondering if we could spend the day together tomorrow?"

"Liesel you feeling ok?" Mingus put his hand on my forhead.

"I'm fine. It's just we never spend any time together. So i thought we should. I would really like that. Please?"

"Ok i guess. I don't have to shoot tomorrow. And i have nothing to do so yeah i guess we can spend the day together. Only if Mingus isn't doing anything."

"Oh well i'm busy tomorrow."

"Doing what?" i asked

"Um you know....I have this thing.......This really big thing.......I have to......Save the whales."

"Save the Whales?" Norman and i asked

"Yea. I'm in this club."

"Mingus we know you better than anyone else. And your not saving the whales. So were going to spend the day together. Wheater you want to or not."

"Ugh fine." he said "I'm going upstairs and getting some sleep."

"Mingus it's only 7 o'clock," I said

"Mingus it's only 7 o'clock" Mingus mocked

Norman and i looked at each other. "Dad where did we go wrong?" i shook my head

Norman giggled and so did i. After i was done eatting i went upstairs and started watching Netflix. Of course i watched The Walking Dead. I started from season 1. And when the part of Carl came up i paused it and looked at him. I texted Chandler. I took a picture and put this.

(C-Chandler L- Liesel)

L- Watching the walking dead. And look how cute you look.

Then i sent it to him. About 5 mintues later he texted back.

C-I want you to stop watching that show. I looked so ugly back then.

L- I'm not going to stop watching. And yes you do look sute.

C- Sute?"

L- Yeah Super Cute. Sute

C- Whatever i'm going to go to bed. Wanna hang out tomorrow?"

L- Can't spending the day with Norman and Mingus

C- Ok. I'll see you later. Bye love you

L- Love you to

I looked at the time it was midnight. Dang midnight already? I turned off my computer and went to sleep.

~~~Tomorrow at Noon~~~

I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face. I ground and turned the other way and i saw Mingus laying in my bed. So i pushed him off. Then i heard a thud. I giggled.

"What the hell was that for?" Mingus asked sitting up

"You were in my bed. And i hate it when your in my bed."

"You could have woken me up in a nice way."

"Ha me waking you up in a nice way? Don't you know me? I never wake people up in a 'nice' way."

"True.....But still. I think i broke my back. Thanks alot."

"Your welcome. Now get out so i can change."


He got out of my room then i put on music. I put on Try Hard by 5SOS. After i put on the music i went into my walk in closet.  I grabbed a red shirt that had to Panda's on it. Black ripped skinny jeans. And a sweater. I put on gray fuzzy boots.(Picture on the side). I went downstairs and saw Norman on his phone.

"Hey dad. Where's breakfast???"

"Were going to IHOP."

"Dad we were band from there remember?"

"Oh yeah. Then we'll go to Denny's."

"Ok i'm fine with that."


"Liesel calm down. You keep yelling one day the neighbors are going to call the cops." Mingus said

"Well i wouldn't need to yell if you weren't already down here."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Blame everything on me."

"Ok i'll blame everything on you from now on."

"What? I didn't mean it. I was just saying you always blame everything on me."

"No i don't"

"Yes you do."




"Shut up the two of you. Now let's." 

We walked infront of Norman and got to the car. I opened the front door so i can get in. But Mingus got in before me.

"Um Mingus i was going to sit there."

"Yeah you were going to but now i'm sitting here. Don't worry there's some room in the back"

"You big meanie"

"Thanks i try."

This was going to be a long day. Lord help me

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now