Chapter 65: The Day After The Date

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I woke up and the first thing I saw was the sun. The brightness of the sun almost blinded me. I got up and saw I was in the water. Shoot I feel asleep. Norman told me I had to be back by midnight. Great I'm in huge trouble. I shook Chandler to wake him up.

"Chandler! Wake up." I said

"Huh what?"

"Get up. It's morning."

"Where are we?" He asked

"In the middle of the lake."

He looked around. Fuck he mouthed. Chandler ruffled up his hair. And he look so cute. I smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked

"You. You look so cute."

"So do you."

He leaned in and kissed me. It was a short kiss. But who cares. When we pulled away I smiled.

"I love you." He said

"I love you to."

"Come on let's go before Norman wakes up." He got up. "Shoot the paddles aren't here."

"We'll then there's only one other way to get out of here."


"We swim." I took off my shoes.

I jumped into the lake. Dang it was freezing.i started swimming. Then I heard a splash. I turned around and saw Chandler. We had a swimming race. Of course I won. We started walking to my house. I noticed I was still wearing a promise ring Chandler gave to me. I looked at him. He noticed I was looking at him.

"What?" He asked laughing a little


"It's someone now tell me."

"I realized we are pre engaged."

"Yep we are. And one day I will ask you to marry me." He kissed my hand.

"What do I tell Norman? He will freak when he sees this ring. Do I tell him I'm pre engaged?"

"Yea we can't keep this a secret our entries lives."

"I know."

We finally made it to my house. I kissed him goodbye. And went inside. Yesterday was the best day of my life. I leaned against the door and smiled to myself. Then I saw Norman come out of the kitchen. Shit.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Sorry. I was out with Chandler and I feel asleep."

"Nothing else happened right?"

"Right." I said

"I'll let this one side. Since Chandler texted me last night saying you feel asleep. Wait what's that on your finger?"

"A ring?" I said more like a question.

"It's a promise ring."

"Dad please don't be mad."

"Why would I be mad? Your pre engaged. I'm so proud." He hugged me

After what happened I went upstairs. I texted the girls and told them to come over. I took a shower and changed. I changed into a tang top and some shorts. Then put my hair into a side bride. After about an hour all the girls came. Well everyone besides Aurora. Who was eating breakfast with Ty. But she'll be here in a few minutes,

"So tell us about the date." Summer said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"We should wait for Aurora."

"No come on tell us." Polly said

There was a knock on my bedroom door. I went to open it and there was Aurora with Ty.

"Hey Aurora."

"Hey Liesel this is Ty. Ty this is Liesel." She said


"Hi" he said shaking my hand.

We all sat down on the floor. And I told them about my date. They all awed. I started blushing. I'm pretty sure everyone noticed. Then another knock on the door. This time it was Chandler. I introduced him to Ty. We all become friends. Then Polly noticed my ring.

"Oh my gosh is that a promise ring?" Polly asked

"Yea." I said

"Oh my gosh you're pre engaged." Everyone said

Goodness they always found a new way of embrassing me.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now