Chapter 72: What Have I Got Myself Into??

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Theres is a song please listen to it. Its my favorite song Please?


I woke up and saw everyone else was asleep. All of us were sleeping on the floor. I grabbed my phone and saw it was 1 o'clock. Damn it, I was supposed to meet Lucas at 12. Quickly i got up and woke up everyone.

"Sorry to wake you but dont you guys have to shoot at 3?" i asked

"Yea why?" Emily asked in her sleepy voice.

"Well its 1'clock. So if you wanna make it on time i incest you get up right now."

I grabbed my bags and put all my stuff in. Melissa drove all the girls home. She dropped me off last. When we got to my house i thanked Melissa and got out. I wonder how Norman is going to like my new hair. When i got inside Norman was on the couch.

"Hey Dad." i said

"Hey Lie....What the hell happened to your hair?" he asked

"I dyed it? You like?"

"No i dont like it. I LOVE IT. Its so colorful. And awesome. But sweetheart next time you want to get your hair dyed tell me. So i dont wake up with you with different color hair."

"Well dad it might take a while before i get my hair dyed. Cause Emily accendilty used peranment dye...." I said innocently.

"SHE WHAT?!?!?"

"She didnt mean to. But atleast some with fade off. Im sorry dad. But just saying i like my new hair and i want to keep it this way."

"Fine ill let you keep it. But just saying i liked you brown hair better."

"Thanks dad. Oh and can Lucas and i go on set with you?"

"Sure why not. But you better hurry up. We leave in 1 hours. Ok ok ok im going."

I ran upstairs. And got changed. I wore a a dark blue tangtop. But over it was a see threw Mickey mouse shirt. My black jeans, Converse. I put my rainbow hair half up half down. And added a black bow. 

It weird i just noticed im kinda weearing girly clothes. But dont let that fool you im still a tomboy inside. Yay.

Once i was done i ran down stairs. My phone was on the table right next to the door. So i grabbed it and texted Lucas.

To: Lukey

From: Lie-Lie

Hey sorry i didnt go to your house at 1. I kinda was still sleeping. I feel asleep at 3 in the morning. But to make up for it do you wanna come to my dads set with me?

To: Lie-Lie

From: Lukey

Yea sure. Just come pick me up. Ill see you in a little bit

"Dad he said yes. Come one lets go." i yelled

Both of us got in the car and went to Lucas house. I was texing Lucas the whole wayt there. When we finally got there i got out of th car and knocked on the door Lucas answered.

"What the hell happened to your hair?"

"I dyed it. You like?"

"Eh. Its alright but i loved you brown hair better."

We started walking to my car. "Well you better get used to it because its peranment. Emily one of the girls accenidently used peranment dye. But oh well we all make mistakes."

He rolled his eyes. I sat by Norman and Lucas sat in the back. I introduced him to Norman.Yay now there friends. Once we got to set Norman had to cheack in. While Lucas and i went all around the set.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now