Chapter 105: What Are You Thinking About?

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After we finished eat out ice cream we went back to the house. I sat on the couch and Chandler right next to me. "We'll leave you two alone." My mother sad.

"Ok. Well we'll be here the whole time." I said. They nodded their heads and went upstairs. I just cuddled up to Chandler. He kissed my forehead. I turned on the T.V and went to Netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked.

"I don't care anything." Chandler said.

"Your impossible." I said.

"What did I do?" He asked

"When ever I ask you 'what do you wanna watch' you always say 'I don't care anything'."

"That's cause I don't care. Whatever you put on i'll watch."

"What if I put Keeping up with the Kardashians?" I asked

"We'll one you hate that show. Two hells no. And three you would never even put that show on."

"I don't hate that show. I just think they over react. That's all. I'll watch it if you made me but i'm not going to watch it by myself."

"Just choose something." Chandler said.

"Fine." I put on The Walking Dead.

"Oh my lord. Not this." Chandler said getting up from the couch.

"What? You said just choose something so I did. I chose my favorite show ever."

"I know the real reason you chose that." Chandler said going into the kitchen

I got up and went into the kitchen. "Oh yeah and what?" I asked leaning again the doorway.

"Because you wanted to see me act."

"If I wanted to see you act. I would just watch you be nice to your brother Grayson."

"I am nice to my brother Grayson. He's the best thing that ever happened to me." Chandler said putting a handful of M&M in his mouth.

"Your never nice to Grayson. I swear I feel sorry for that kid. He has to live with you. And that's until you go to college. Which will be never cause your an actor."

"I'm going to college. Just cause i'm an actor doesn't mean i'm not going to college." Chandler said.

"Still. I feel sorry for Grayson. Even if you went to college you'd being living at home still giving him a hard time. I'd adopted him but he's only a few years younger than me. And plus i'm not of age yet."

"Let's just go in the back yard and hang out and not fight in here." Chandler said.

I looked at him. "Fine." I said. He took my hand and lead me outside. We sat down on the couch swing thing. My legs on Chandler's lap. I sighed. Everything was good. But I don't know I felt like something was missing. I can't explain it.

"Liesel?" Chandler asked

"Yeah?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"At this very moment what are you thinking about."

"I don't know.. What are you thinking about?" I asked

"I'm thinking about how i'm going to miss you when you leave to New York in a few weeks."

"Out of everything you could be thinking about you think about that?"

"Yeah cause think about it. New York. The city where dreams are made of. You could meet someone 10x hotter than me. And then forget about me. Your going to be on Broadway. Working 24/7 and not have time for me. Even if I visits you. Your going to be busy."


"No listen. Your already famous, and when your on broadway. You'll be even more famous. Probably the worlds most famous 15 year old out there. Everyone will be jealous of you. And don't even lie and say your not cause you are."

"Can I talk?" I asked

"Go ahead." Chandler said.

"New York will be awesome. Meeting knew people. Girls and guys. But i'm never going to find someone that can replace you. Cause there's only one Chandler Riggs in this world. And he's my boyfriend. And no one is hotter than you. I'm not going to forget about you. We'll video chat, call, write, text, anything. But your not going to lose me. Never in a million years will you lose me. I'll always be here." I said.

"I know you'll always be here but what if-"

"No what ifs. Not buts. Just... Let's not thinking about that right now. Lets just stay here and relax. Lets watch the sunset." I said pointing to the sunset.

He sighed. "Ok. Anything for you love."

I kissed his cheek and then rested my head on his shoulder. We watched the sunset together.


We went back inside. It was 10 p.m. And we've been out there since five. Norman had already came back. He was in the kitchen. "Hey dad." I said sitting down next to him.

"Hey Liesel. Hey Chandler." Norman said.

"Hey." Chandler said.

"Hey um...Chandler can I talk to my dad alone?" I asked Chandler.

"Yeah. I've got to go anyways. Bye guys." He walked out of the kitchen

"What's up Liesel?" Norman asked putting his dish in the sink.

"Um.. Norman this is kind of important."

"Ok go on."

"We'll today Chandler gave me this letter. He went through our mail a few days ago. Or weeks ago I don't know. But it's about New York."

"What about New York?"

"I have to go to New York on the 18th of July. And we start practicing on the 20th. And that's only a few weeks away. And we have nothing prepared. We don't have anybody I could live with when I go to New York. Or the plane ticket. Nothing." I handed the letter to Norman. He read it out loud.

"Dear Liesel Reedus, We are pleased to inform you that on 20th of July we will start practicing the Aladdin musical. We've sent this letter to make sure you know what's going on. We will need you to come to office on the 18th of July. Please tell your father that you will be living here for a few years and will probably be able to visit once a year. We will pay for the trip here. If you have any problem please call at (—-, —-,——) Sincerely, Mr. Hudson." Norman looked that me. "Chandler hid this from you? Why?"

"He didn't want me to leave."

"Awe. Relationship Goals."

"Dad. No. Don't ever say that in your life. Please."

"Still. I think he had a right reason to do this-"


"Hear me out. He had a right reason to do this. He cares about you. He doesn't want to leave you. He's already lost you to many times. I mean how many times have you two broken up? Like 100 times? But then he didn't have the right to hide this from you. He was stopping you from doing something you love. And that's not right. But I think he was trying to do something right. Liesel? Are you ok? What are you thinking about?"

I passed out


Hey all my little blueberry muffins. Hope you like the chapter. Sorry I didn't update last Monday. A lot happened. And it was very personal. Sorry again. But what do you think about this chapter? LIESEL PASS OUT!!! WHY?!?!?! I don't know either. It'll probably come to me later on. But here's and early update. Tomorrow i'll update on Choose. And if you haven't follow me. Comment down below. And check out Choose another Chandler Riggs fan fiction by me and my friend Lynxallycat. Please follow her she's amazing. We'll that's all for today. Until next time...........


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