Chapter 46: Oh My Gosh Brice

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I don't know why i kissed Chandler. Do I like him? I think i do like him. But why now? Sam just left. I can't start liking Chandler right now. Chandler finally went home. I had nothing to do. I already watched all my movies last night. I wish i could call Hazel, or Brice to come over. All the sudden i heard someone knock on the door. I sat up. It was Hazel. She looked really worried. I knew there was something on her mind. She started laid down on my bed and started crying.

"Haz whats wrongs?" I asked

"I-It's Brice." her voice was ragged

"What about him?" i asked nervouly 

"He g-got in a c-car accident."

"What? No he couldn't have."

"He did. He was on the way for filming and there was this drunk driver who hit his car.  We need to get to the hospatil. Now."

"I can't go."

"What do you mean? This is Brice were talking about."

"I'm grounded. I'm not supposed to leave my room."

"Please Brice asked me to get you there so he could see you."

"Let me asked."

~~~3 minutes later~~~

"Let's go." i said peaking my head into my room

Hazels mom was waiting for us in her car. She was crying as well. She was speeing down the road. I knew we were going to get stopped by the cops. but surpisingly we didn't. We all ran inside. Mrs. Gibbhart asked which room Brice was in. The person said he wasn't allowed to have vistors. We sat down in the waiting room. None of us said anything.

"Haz can you come to the bathroom with me i need to tell you something." i whispered to her

"Yea." she said "Mom i'm going to the bathroom with Liesel."

"Ok but hurry back."

Hazel and i walked to the bathroom together. I need to tell her about Chandler and I. But how was I going to tell her? Hazel was leaning against the wall. And i sat of this thing by the window.

"What did you want to talk about?" Hazel asked

"Well first your make up is ruined. And second is that umm Chandler and i kissed."

"You guys what?"


"So does this mean you guys are offical dating?"

"I told him were not dating."

"What why?"

"I don't know."

"Oh come on. Sam left. This is the perfect time for you to go out with him. Now i want you to call him and ask him out on a date."

"I don't have my phone. Remember Norman took it away."

"Oh yea. Use my phone."

I can't believe i was going to do this. Hazel handed me her phone and i dilied his number. It rang 3 times before Chandler picked up the phone.

(C-Chandler L-Liesel)

C- Hello?

Oh my gosh his voice was so deep. I didn't know if i could do this.


I total forgot that i was talking to him. So i answered him

L-Hey Chandler

C-Liesel is that you?

L- Yea it's me.

C-Why are you calling from Hazel's phone?

L-Because i needed to tell you something but Norman has my phone.

C-Ok what's up

L-I was wondering if you wanted to go out and watch a movie?

C- Sure my treat.


C-Ok i'll pick you up at 7 

L-I'll be ready.



I gave Hazel back her phone. She hugged me. Mrs. Gibbhart came and told us that Brice was ready to see us. Hazel and walked hand and hand. Yes best friends do that. Mrs. Gibbhart opened the door for us. I walked in the room slowly. Once i got to where i could see Brice i stopped. I started crying. Hazel and i hugged each other. We all walked over to where Brice was. He had a broken arm. Just a couple weeks ago i got mine tooken off. Now Brice was in one.I sat in the chair closer to Brice. And Hazel sat by me. We watched Brice as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Liesel H-Haz?" Brice asked

"I'm going to get the doctor." Mrs. Gibbhart said

"Don't talk Brice." Hazel said

"Thank you guys for coming." He said "Liesel i can't believe you came."


"Because after you heard you were kicked off the movie you never talked to me." 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Mrs. Gibbhart came i with Dr. Gibbhart. Hazels dad was a doctor. He was the one who has been helling Brice with everything.

"Ok he looks perfectly fine. He should be able to be out of this hositpal by...... Later today. All that happened to him was that he broke his arm and has some bruises on his head." Dr. Gibbhart said

"Dr. Gibbhart where are my parents at?" Brice asked

"Right now they are on a buiness trip. They came earlier when you were sleeping. They told me to tell you that you could sleep at Liesel house or our house."

"What is my house a hotel or something?" i asked

Everyone laughed. They knew alot of people spent the night at my house. Not like a sleep over. Norman came and picked me up. Brice was going to spend the night at my house on some nights then at Hazels house.  When we got home i started getting dresses then Norman came in my room. (Picture on the side)

"Where do you think your going?" He asked

"On a date with Chan.....Oh shoot i forgot that i was grounded." i said


"Please dad let me go on this date. I won't ask you for anything ever again."

"I'll let you go."

"Why are you letting me go all the sudden."

"Because this is the first time in days that i've seen you happy. And if Chandler make you happy you should be able to out on a date with him."

"Thanks dad." I said hugging him

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