Chapter 118: Strange Things Happen

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I tired to get some sleep. For the past few days I haven't been able because of Dylan and Paige. Chandlers gotten plenty of sleep, but not me. Chandler knows how to calm them down but when it comes to me I have no clue. I laid down on the couch and my eyes slowly started to close slow. Finally once I was about to go to sleep I was awaken. 

"MOMMY!!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!!!" I heard. I groaned, and got up. I went into the kitchen and saw Paige and Dylan by the fridge. 

"Come on guys. I was trying to sleep." I said picking each of them up in each of my arms. 

"WE WANT FOOD!!! WE WANT FOOD!!!" They chanted. 

"Ask daddy to buy you some." I said placing them on the couch. 

"Daddy's sleeping, and we don't want to wake him." Dylan said crossing him arm. I raised my eyebrow at him. 

"We'll daddy isn't going to be sleeping for much longer." I stood up and walked down the hall to our room. I opened it and Chandler was spread across the bed. I shook my head and walked over. I looked at him he looked so peaceful. To bad he had to wake up. "CHANDLER RIGGS WAKE UP!!!" I yelled. 

He shot up and his forehead hit mine. I held my head. "What was that for?" He asked

I rubbed my forehead. "Why the hell are you sleeping?" I asked. He looked at the clock, it was barely noon. 

"I'm sorry. I was tired." He said yawning. 

"You're tired? I haven't gotten any sleep in the past few days because of the munchkins in the living room, and you're here sleeping, while i'm taking care of them. Why don't you be a father and feed them. I tried of doing al the work, AND I JUST WANT SOME SLEEP!!!" I yelled

His eyes widen when I talked. He sighed. Chandler grabbed my hand and brought me to his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry honey. Sometimes I forgot about the you doing al the work. I was so caught up with work that I didn't even realize I wasn't even doing anything." He kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry. You know I love you. I really do. I love that you gave up your job just to take care of the kids. I'm sorry you had to do that, but i'm happy you did. Cause you're an amazing mother to our children. You know that right?" He asked

"Stop being so sweet all the time." I said smiling. 

"Listen. You stay here and get some sleep. I'll take the kids some place to eat. Do you want anything?"

"A double mighty big burger for the burger shop around the corner." 

"Okay. I'll get it. Just rest."

I smiled and looked at him. He leaned in and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back. It was a nice kiss considering that we haven't had a romantic moment since the kids came along. I wrapped my arms around his neck and shifted in his lap. He brought me closer to him.

"EWWW!!!" I heard. I pulled away and saw Paige and Dylan standing there. I laughed and looked at Chandler he kissed me again. 

"Daddy!!! Stop!!!" Paige said. 

We both pulled away. "And why? I love your mommy. She's amazing." He said nuzzling in my neck. 

"Because that's gross!!!" 

I got off Chandler's lap and walked over to them. Chandler stated walking over to them as well. I walked in front of Dylan and he went in front of Paige. We both looked at each other and tickled them. They started laughing uncontrollably. Chandler and I both started laughing too. 

"What were you saying about mommy kissing daddy?" I asked still tickling Dylan

"I-I-I-t's not g-gross. P-PLEASE STOP!!!" He tried to talk but he could hardly because he was laughing to hard. 

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now