Chapter 5: I'm Sorry

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When I woke up the next morning I saw there was note by my alarm clock. I sat up in my bed and started to read it. I saw it was from Norman.

Deal Liesel,

I didn't want to wake. I just wanted to tell you that I have a meeting an i'll be back before six. Be on your best behavior. You can have Chandler over if you want. Mingus went to go visit his mom for the next few weeks. And remember you have to go see your therapist today at two.

Love , Norman

I smiled to myself knowing I had the whole house to myself this whole day, but what was I going to do? I grabbed my phone and just called Chandler.

I asked him if he wanted to come over and he said he'd be over in about an hour.

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. After I was done I grabbed some cookies and soda and placed them on the coffee table right in front of the T.V. I sat down and started watching SpongeBob. I had admit this was my favorite episode.

"I'd like to buy that piece of plastic with this piece of plastic." Spongebob said

"Mr Krabs eh?" The cashier said "Quick how do you spell Krabs?"

"I'm pretty sure there's a 'B' in it"

"Close enough."

I giggled. Then I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer the door, it was Chandler holding a bunch of movies.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He said walking inside.

"So what movies did you bring?"

"Only the greatest horror movies ever. Which do you want to watch first?"

"I don't know. Which is the scariest?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"Dark Skies. Well it's no scary, but it's amazing."

"I've been dying to see that move for such a long time." I said

"Then you'll love it. Just sit back and relax. The horror shall be coming soon."

"Yay! Oh and I have to go to see my therapist at two. Is that okay?" I asked

"Sure i'll take you."

"You can drive?" I asked

"Yes, but not legally. I can still drive though."

"You little rebel." I said. She shushed me and sat on the other end of the couch. We both laid down and out feet went past each others.

I felt my eyes starting to get heavy but I didn't so anything about it. I just let myself fall asleep. About five minutes went by someone shook me awake. Slowly my eyes opened. I saw Chandler looking at me.

"Why'd you wake me up? I only slept about five minutes." I said

"More like an hour. It's 1:31 if you want to see you're therapist we'd better get going." He said grabbing his jacket and his keys. I groaned. "Okay then i'm leaving you." He teased

"I'm going i'm going." I said. I got up and grabbed my sweeter. I looked out and saw Chandler had a small car. It looked so worn done. "Nice car." I said

"Don't joke about her."

"Her?" I asked

"Yes it's a her. Just get in the car, and don't ever say about her." He said

"Whatever I wouldn't want to hurt 'her' feelings."

Skipping The Drive

We walked into the building. The lady at the desk smiled at me and buzzed to Mr. Renolds. A few seconds later he came out of his office

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now