Chapter 85: Stop The Rumors.

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How can people have the nerves to ruin someones life? Why do people have to spred rumors anyways?I mean if they watn a story then they have to tell the truth. People just love to ruin peoples lives. How could someone do that? 

I walked back and forth in my room. Mingus and Norman sat on my bed watching me. I was trying to come up with a way to stop all of this. I couldn't go outside that's for sure. And i couldn't just say inside. Why is this so hard.

"Liesel stop pacing. You creating a draft." Norman said

"Dad. Stop. I'm not in the mood for this. Why are people trying to ruin my life that's more important then a draft."



He pulled me in for a hug. I just sat on his lap and rested my head on his shoulder. "Sweetheart. I was kidding. Of course your more important thena draft. Now what are we going to do."

"Why can't we just go up there and sue them."

"Because they'll have good lawers. And they'll say they have the right to post any story they want."

"But that's not true. Dad there just trying to entertain people and there lying. That's not right. Next thing you know they'll post that i'm pregnaut with Mingus baby. When i'm not. Please dad. Talk to them. Tell them they can't do this."

He looked at me. Then at Mingus and sighed. "Fine. But you two are coming with me."

"Ok." we said at the same time.

I pushed them both out of my room so that i could get changed. I put on a striped blue and black shirt on. Some short shorts. (Not that short). Blue hightops. And a cap that Mingus gave me. Then went downstairs. Mingus and Norman were both in the living room playing on there phones. 

"Ahem." i said

They looked up. "Liesel can i saw something?" Mingus asked

"What?" i asked putting one hand on my hip.

"I loved your brown hair better."

"Why does everyone say that. I love my rainbow hair. I think it looks cool."

"He's right. I love your brown hair better." Norman said

I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my phone of the counter and walked to the car. A few mintues later Mingus and Norman came to the car. Then we drove of the the studio.

~~~A few mintues later~~~

Norman parked the car and i was the first on out of ther car. I stormed into the studios. Then i felt Mingus's hand on my arm. He turned me around.

"What?" i asked harshfully.

"Don't you think we should ask them nicely?"

"Nicely? Since when do i do stuff nicely?"

"I;m just saying it would be nice if you nice once in a while."

"Well it would be nice if someone wouldn't ruin my life every second of everyday."

"Liesel no one is ruining your life." Norman said

"Oh yeah? How about my parents, Cole and his friends, Rachel, Hazel, Brice, Kassy, Megan, and now this reporter. I hate it. Cant they just leave me alone?"

"Liesel i know this is hard. But..."

"But what? I hate that there trying to ruin my life. Are they trying to get me killed. I swear. I wish they could stop the rumors. But no they always have to ruin peoples lives. Now i'm going in there and stopping this."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now