Chapter 78: What Have We Done?

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I cried. And cried and cried. People have been knocking on the door begging me to come out. But i didnt come out. I knew that no one cared about me. But i was saying in my mind that they did. I was lying to myself. 

After i stopped cutting my arms were red. Just covered in blood. There were droplet's on my white shorts.  Also blood my face. Heck there was blood all around me. I sat there thinking to myself why am i here? In this world. It would just be better if i left. I was meant to be dead not alive. 

"Liesel please open up the door. Please i gotta talk to you." i heard some one say.

"Leave me alone." i said just above a whisper.

"Liesel it's Chandler. Please let me in. I really wanna talk to you. Please/"

I opened the door and Chandler smiled but once he saw my arms his face dropped. He looked into my eyes and saw my pain.

"Oh my gosh. Why would you do this?"

"Cause no one cares about me. No one. Megan was right. Not even you. You dont care about me. Tell me Chandler. Even if i wasnt Norman's daughter would you still go out with me?" My eyes were getting watery

"Of course i would. I fell in love with You. Not because of who your parents are. Or should i say Parent. Liesel you have to know that. I love you. No matter what. But dont cut yourself. Your way to beautiful to cut your self."

"No i'm not. I'm not Beautiful. I'm a monster. I'm a monster created from hell. A monster who wants to be loved but isn't. "

"You are loved. Norman, Mingus, Ally, Aurora, Lexi, Lindsay, Bria, Summer, Polly, Sam, The cast, Everyone. Everyone cares about you. Dont do this to yourself. Please. It breaks my heart to see you like this. I love you way to much to lose you. I've made mistakes. I've already lost you. Please dont cut. Your not just hurting yourself your hurting me. Please." tears were forming in his eyes.

"I dont know. I know i'm loved. But i dont feel loved."

"Liesel. I love you. Please know that i love you. Please."


He cut me off my smashing his lips on mine. At first i didnt kiss him. But then i did. I put my hands on his shoudlers. He put his hands on my cheeks. Then he pulled away. I kept my eyes closed. Then i opened them.

"See I love you. Everyone else does to."

"Chandler. Do you think we could get out of the house for a few hours??"

"Sure. What ever you want."

I cleaned up my arms and went to my room to change out of my clothes. I put on a white sweatshirt. With some black design on it.  Black skinny jean. Brown boots. A red scarf and a necklace Mingus gave me for chistmas. (Picture on the side)

"Come one let's get out of here." i said

We climbed out the window and went down the vine thing. Once we wer both down we ran. I have no idea where to but we ran.

(Norman'a POV)

"But Norman. I didnt do that to her. She's lying. Why dont you believe me?" Megan asked for the millionth time

"Cause Liesel doesnt lie about stuff. I know my own daughter. She would never cause this huge of a fuss. I dont believe you. I believe her."

"But she's not your real daughter. She's adopted."

"She's as real as my kid as Mingus is. Even though i didnt make her. She's still mine. And i wish you would stop saying she's adopted."

"But i dont like adopted kids. When we get married we should put her back into the program."

"No. I'm not marrying you. And i'm not putting her back into the sytem. She's almost 16. And when your 16 and in that program your never adopted. So no i'm not marrying you."

I walked upstairs and saw the bathroom door open. So i went inside. No one was there. Bu there was blood on the floor and on the towel. And next to the towel was a razor which also had blood on it. I ran over to Liesel room. And the window was open. 

What have i done? This is what i get for calling Liesel adopted. I ran outside.

"LIESEL!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Nothing. God dammit. I called her phone. And nothing. It went to voice mail. I tried Chandlers same thing. I'm a terrible father.

(Liesel's POV)

Chandler and i went to the lake. We layed down on the grass and looked at the stars. Chandler held my hand. I turned to my side and so did he.

"I love you." i said

"I love you too."

"Do you think Norman is going to come look for us?"

"Yea. And were going to get introuble but i dont care. As long as i'm with you."

"Your so cheesy."

"But you love it when i'm cheesey.

"Your right."

We both leaned in and kissed. The a bright light was on us. We pulled away and saw the police. 

"You are under arrest. Put your hands up where we can see them."

I looked at Chandler and he looked at me. What have we done?


Hello my beautiful bubbly people. So how was the chapter. Sucks right??? Sorry for that. But how do you like the ending??? I love it. What do you think that did??? Did they commit a crime??? Did Norman call the police??? I dont know. Comment and tell me what you think they did. Ok well thats all for today. I'll update soon. Until next time......


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