Chapter 1: Adopted

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(Liesel's P.O.V)

Ever since I could remember, I've been living in the same foster home with six other kids. The worst part about being here? I'm the oldest. That's not a good thing. People say it is, but it isn't. When couples come and say that they want to see the kids, they really mean that they want to see the little kids. My mother was forced to drop me off here when I was younger because I have 'problems,' and they used to hurt me. I hate when you get to know someone and then later on they pretend they never knew you. I want nothing to do with my mother. The worst part is that I have the same name as her. So, when I was eight, I changed it to Addison. Everyone still called me Liesel and I hate that name. It always brought back the burning memories.

"Everyone listen up!" My foster mom, Sarah, called throughout the house. "A man is coming, so I want all of you to be ready and downstairs in 5!"

I got off my bed and looked in the mirror. I was wearing my gray sweatpants with two white stripes around the calf and a black tank top. I went over to my closet and grabbed the clothes I liked the most. First, I put on a bright red shirt that says, 'If you get close to me I will stab you!' I put on black skinny jeans, red converses, and my blue beanie. When I was done, I looked at myself one last time and went downstairs. Everyone was staring at me. In front of the door was a man who had brown hair that reached his shoulders, a baseball cap, a ruffled t-shirt, jeans, and blue eyes. He looked really familiar, but I just couldn't make out where I'd seen him before.

"Okay. Now that everyone is here, I'lll introduce you to this man. Kids, this is Norman Reedus." Sarah said. Finally, I knew where I've seen him before. He's on The Walking Dead! I used to watch it, but then tennis practice happened. So, whenever I got home, I was exhausted. I was behind on so many episodes that I quit watching it.

"Hey everyone." He said waving his hand once. His teeth showed through the thin lips he called his own and he shoved his hands in his pockets.

I put all my weight on my right leg while Sarah went around saying everyone's name. I didn't understand why we did this. The parents already knew who's getting adopted, so why go around and say everyone's name if they're never gonna see us again?

"Okay Norman. This is Ella, Brooke, Robbie, Steph, Peter, Lucy, and Liesel." I groaned and fidgeted with my thumb.

"Sarah, I've told you many times I hate the name 'Liesel'. Please, call me Addison." I said nicely. Usually I wasn't this nice, but when adopting parents are around, the nice Addison comes out to play.

"Sorry Lie- Addison. I promise I won't call you that again." Sarah responded. "Norman, why don't you tell them who you're adopting today." She exclaimed, holding her hand out to the circle of children.

"Well, I'm taking a girl home." When Norman said that, all the boys looked down at their worn out shoes. "I'm taking home L..." He began.

That takes out everyone besides Lucy. I know she's a lucky girl and I'll be stuck here for another 14 years of my life. May the lord help me.

"Liesel!" Norman said. I just looked at him for a second with shock but then my lips formed into a wide grin. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much." I said, gripping onto his back. Then I ran upstairs and started packing. It really didn't take a long time. Us foster kids don't get lots of clothes and that's because the government doesn't pay the foster parents much money. I looked around my room that I shared with Ella to make sure I didn't forget anything. I saw a small, fuzzy, brown thing in the corner. I picked it up and saw it was my teddy bear. I put him in my bag and let out a relieved sigh. I've had Brownie ever since I got put on the system. As I walked down stairs, I heard Brooke crying. Every time someone comes here and adopts one of us, someone ends up crying. When I ventured into the living room, I heard Norman and Sarah talking on the couch. I hid behind the wall and eavesdropped on their conversation.

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