Chapter 39: But You Said

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(Mingus POV.)

Does she really think i was going to break up with Kassy? If she does she's dumb. But either way i was going out on a date this morning with Kassy.I was taking her to break fast then taking her yo school. But that was going to be in a few hours. I needed my sleep. Liesel went back to sleep and so did i. My alarm clock woke me up. I went into the shower and then got changed. I was taking Kassy to IHop. I heard a knock on the door and i ran door stairs but Liesel answered the door. It wasn't Kassy. It was Hazel. I had to admit i kinda did like Hazel. (PICTURE OF HAZEL ON THE SIDE)

(Liesel POV.)

I woke up because my alarm clock woke me up. I had to go to school. I was exicted to get to school early. Today was Sam's last day of school. Norman lefted early to go and shoot. I was changing when someone knocked on the door. I ran down stairs and beat Mingus to the door and saw Hazel,

"Hey" i said hugging her.

"Hey. Oh hey Mingus." she said nervous 

I knew Hazel had a huge crush on Mingus. It was weird. The next thing i heard was the toster go off. I just remembered that i put waffles in.

"Oh those are the waffles. Brb." i said leaving the room.

(Hazel POV.)

Did she really just leave me alone with Mingus? Why did she do that to me? I am really mad at her right now. I was looking at the floor then i looked up and Mingus smiled at me. Then i thought i should start a conversion.

"Sooo um. Who you waiting for?" i asked

"I'm waiting for Kassy."

"Oh you guys going on a breakfast date?"


Ugh i hated Kassy. When i first found out that Mingus was dating her all i wanted to do was kill her. They have been dating fro about 6 months mabye more. I wish they would breakup. I heard a knock at the door. It was the snooty rich stealing boyfriend. Thats what i call her.

"Hey" i said

"Oh hey Hazel. What are you doing here?" she asked

"I'm going to school with Liesel."

"Why because your so poor that your own daddy can't take you to school?" she asked

I started getting mad. "No becuase...." i started saying but she cut me off.

"I really don't care," she said "Hey baby," she started kissing Mingus. I just rolled my eyes

(Liesel POV.)

Oh great that no good boyfriend user is here. I wish Mingus would break up with her already. 

"Oh hey Kassy." i said through my teeth

"Hey........ Liesel. I just love your name."

"Well no duh you would that's your mom's name."

"No it's. My mom's name is Renee. And your the only Liesel i know."

"Ooohhh nice cover. Sis."

"I am not your sister." she said putting her arms around Mingus

"Liesel just stop being mean to Kassy. And stop making up stories about Kassy being your sister." Mingus said

"I'm not making it up. Last night you said you would breakup with her."

"I never said that." he said

"Fine then take your idiotoic no good girlfriend out of here." i said

"Ok let me just go and get my backapck." he said leaving the room

"Look i know what you to are planning and it's not going to work. I have Mingus wrapped around my little finger. And Hazel stop flirting with my boyfriend. He would never go with a girl like you." she said  punching Hazel in the face.

"Oh my gosh Hazel are you ok?" i said kneeing down next to her

"No i think my nose is broken or something." she said

"Ok im bac... What happened?" Mingus  asked running towards Hazel

"Ask your girlfriend." i said helping Hazel get up.

"Mingy believe me i would never do anything like that." she said

"I believe you dont worry."

Hazel and i walked towards the bathroom. Her nose was all bloodly. Nothing was wrong with her nose. 

"I told you Liesel. Mingus would never go with a girl like me. I'm just ordinay girl." she said

"No your not. Your Hazel Gibbhart for crying out load. Any guy would be lucky to go out with you."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now