Chapter 61: Stuff Is Happening So Fast!

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Since Today is Chandler Riggs birthday I am writing an extra long chapter just for you guys. I love you all and Happy Birthday Chandler Riggs!



The cab driver took us to our hotel. Since each room was 2 roomed, The girl went into the other room Chandler Norman and I stayed in the other. The girl said they would go shopping and meet me later so we could have a midnight swim. I love midnight swims. They were going to buy new swim suits.

Norman was going to drop us off at Sam house. I was shaking, I couldn't wait to see Sam. We got into the car and drove off. Chandler kept say to calm down. Bu I couldn't.

I was right by the window so when we came to the house it was huge. The house was white and huge. 2 dog were in the back yard. I got out of the car but right when I was about to knock on the door Chandler grabbed my hand.

"What?" I asked

"We don't knock we just walk inside." Chandler said

He tried to open the door but it was locked. He kept on trying to open the door but nothing would work.

"Chandler stop hurting yourself. I'll call Sam."

"No I got this. I just need a head start."

He stepped ran a few feet. And started to get ready. Before he started running I texted Sam. And right when Chandler was about to 'knock down' the door Sam opened and Chandler fell down to the floor. We all started laughing. I stepped over Chandler and hugged Sam.

"Sam!" I said hugging him

"It been so long. How you been?"

"Good what about you."


"Um hello dead guy on the floor over here." Chandler said still on the floor

I went over to him and picked him up. He gave me a hug. Then Norman came threw the door laughing at something on his phone.

Then my phone beeped. It was a video of Chandler trying to break down the door. Sam looked over my shoulder.

"Chandler you do know you could have knocked." Sam said not taking his eyes off my phone.

Chandler smacked Sam's head. "I know I just thought we could walk in."

"Chandler I'm not leaving my door unlocked when I live in New York. I don't want a stranger in here. That's just weird."

"He's got a point." I said

He just rolled his eyes. "You guys want to come up to my room?"

"Sure." We said

"Make sure you use protection." Norman said


"I'm just saying."

We walked up to Sam's room and it looked like heaven. Huge flat scenes on his walls. And he has three flat screens. I'm guessing he was in the middle of a video game because on each T.V there video game paused. He was playing Black ops 2. And on his tables were a ton of video games. He had a water bed. Chips were all over his floor where he played video games.

"Sam are we in heaven?" Chandler asked

"No. Were in my room."

"Do you ever go outside?" I asked

"For basketball, soccer and pretty much only sports."

"You are living the life." Chandler said

"You guys want to play?" He asked

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