Chapter 9: Things Are Going My Way

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"Hey Liesel we need to go to set today. Hurry up and get your but down here." Norman said

It's been a few days since the whole Chandler thing happened. Norman didn't like the idea, but he was willing to give Chandler a chance. It was amazing that he finally was giving him a chance.

Norman and I got in the car and drove down to the set. Once we got there I went to my trailer and changed. After I was done I was running to get my makeup done when I ran into someone.

"Hey watch-Oh hey Chandler." I said.

He laughed. "Are you okay?"

"I should be asking that to you, but yeah i'm fine."

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I'm going to get my makeup done."

"Me to. Let's go together."

I grabbed his hand and we walked together. "Hey i've been meaning to ask you something. Are we a couple or not?"

"Of course we are why would you ask something like that?" I asked

"Because it really doesn't seem like were dating."

"Well does this make it seem like?" I asked I stepped on my tippy toes and kissed him.

"No PDA!!!" We heard. I pulled away and aw Steven stuffing some brownies in his mouth and trying not to laugh.

"Shut up. Aren't you supposed to be supposed to be on set?"

"No. They finished my scene this morning, so I can be where ever I want to."

"Even in front of a moving car?"

"Ha ha ha. Very funny Liesel." Steven said sarcastically

I grin at him. Chandler grabbed my hand and we walked to make up. Once we were done we heard our names over the intercom. We started running outside, since that's where our scene was.


"Dad? Carl? Where you going?" I asked

"Carl and I are going out a run. You wanna come?" Daryl asked

"Sure." I said getting into the car


"Wow this house is amazing." I said looking around. Then I heard weird noise. I turned around and saw Daryl shoot a walker straight in the head.

"Used to be before it got overrun by walkers." Daryl said

"Adie go check that room." Daryl motioned to the room behind him, "And Carl go check the kitchen. See if they're any food or anything else."

"Okay." We both said

As I walked into the living room I shot two walkers. I looked in the corner and saw a piano. I used to play piano. So many memories went through my head. I loved the feeling of play. It was like an escape. Like I was the only one in the world at that moment. I sat down on the the couch thing and started playing a song I knew by heart. I also sang it. It was called Danny Boy. Almost everyday in private lesson we'd play it for a warm up.

Oh danny boy

The pipes the pipes are calling

From glen to glen

And down the mountain side

The summer gone

And the roses falling

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now