Chapter 80: I Forgive You

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(Liesel's POV)

I woke up and Mingus was still sleeping. He looked peacful. But it won't last. I gave him some extra time to sleep. I wanted to play a prank on him. So i grabbed my make up bag and started doing Mingus make up. After i was done he looked like this (Picture on the side)

Before i woke him up i took a quick picture. Me smiling and hime still sleeping. Then posted it on Twitter and Instagram. Then shook him awake.

"Mingus wake up." i said 

"I dont wanna get up." 

"Get up. Oh and you have something on your face." 

I laughed as he got up and looked in my mirrior. 

"What the hell did you do to my face." 

"Nothing. I was bored. I love the way it brings your eyes out."

"I'm gonna wash this off my face."


I got out my phone and took a quick picture of him with the make up on. Then let him go to the bathroom to wash it off. I changed into a black shirt with some reddish pinkish shorts. Then i put on my combat boots on. After i got done getting ready i went downstairs. Today was the day i got to take off my boot thing. Which i was happy about. Cause i dont want to wear this thing anymore.

When i was downstairs i saw Norman was sitting at the table. His hands covering his eyes. He was still wearing the excat same thing as yesterday.

"D-Dad?" i asked

He looked up and looked at me. His eyes were red and puffy. Tears were stained on his face. I could tell he was crying all night.

"Dad are you ok?" i asked

"No i-im not ok. Liesel i can't take you being mad at me. I'm a wreak without you. Please forgive me. I love you. I'm not the same with you mad at me."

"D-dad.I forgive you. It's not your fault. Megan just had you wrapped around your finger. S-She told me that she was only marrying you for your money. And she wanted to send me to a borading school."

"I know. That's why i broke up with her. She didn't like you or Mingus. And if i date someone thet have to like you and Mingus. They have to. Because if they dont like you then they dont like me."

"I love you Dad."

"I love you to baby girl."

We got up and hugged each other. Then Mingus came into the kitchen whisling a song. Then he saw us.

"Sorry and i interupting something?" he asked

"No. Come in the group hug." Norman said

Mingus came into the group hug. Out of all them i was the shortest. Which was not awesome. I almost reached Norman. But Mingus damn he was tall. When we pulled away we all got in the car to go to the hosiptal to take the boot off. 

When we got there we sat in the waiting room. Which was boring. Then Chandler called me

"Hello?" i asked

"Hey Liesel i was wondering if you wanted to go out today?"

"Sure. But not right now cause i'm at the hospital."

"What happened? Did someone get into an accident?"

"No. I'm getting my boot thing off today."

"Ok good you scared me there for a second."

"We'll i gotta go i'll call you. Or i'll just have Norman drop me off at your house."

"Ok. bye see you later. I love you."

"I love you to."

We hung up and Norman and I went to the the room which the doctor was in. To tell you the truth i'm scared. Cause what if they say something is wrong with my leg. I know i know i know i should be thinking of this stuff im only getting my cast of that's all. The doctor was starting to take off my cast. Once it was off he did a couple of test.

First he made me more a foot in a circle. The he kinda bent it back. That's all

"Well Liesel i would say your foot is looking better. So your good to go home. Do yo uhave another shoe?" he asked

"Yes. Dont worry i wasn't stupid. I brought my other shoe."

Norman handed it to me. And i put it on. "Ok Liesel if you have any other problems please come back."

"Ok thanks you doc."

Wewent back inside the car. While we were in there we listened to Bang Bang by Arianna Grande, Jessie Jay, and Nicki Minaj. Norman and Mingus sounded terrible but i guess i sounnded terrible.

"Oh hey dad can i go to Chandler's house?"

"Sure i'll drop you off right now."

He dropped me off at Chandler's house. His mom answered the door. I went up to Chandler's room. When i walked in he had pilliows ducted tape to his body. He was wearing a mask and he had a form sword on him. He looked ridoclous.

"Stay back." He said

"Chandler it's me Liesel." i said

"Oh i thought you were Grayson. God you scared me."

"Why are you dressed like that?"

"Cause Grayson and i are in this war thing. Who ever gets hit by the sword first loses. And i want to win. If i win then he does my chores for a month. But if he wins then i have to do his chores for a month."

I saw Grayson quietly coming inside Chandler's room. Chandler's back was to him. So to make sure Grayson won i kissed Chandler. Then grayson hit Chandler.

"Hahaha you are doing my chores for the next month. Thanks Liesel."

"No probs." i said

"Wait what? You knew he was coming so you tricked me by kissing me so i could lose and he wins?"

"Yep. Come on you never let Grayson win. It's not fair to him. So i let him win."

He wined. "I thought you were on my side. But i guess your on Grayson side."

"Come on Chandler. You know i love you."

"No you dont. If you loved me you would have let me win. But no." he turned around so he wasn't facing me

"Chandler....What if i give you a kiss would you feel better?"

"Yes..." he said quietly

I gave him a kiss. "Better?" i asked


"Do you forgive me for letting Grayson win?"

"Yes i forgive you. Just dont let it happen again."

"No promsie."


Suckish chapter i know. But i'm tried. But my goal is to stay up to 12p.m. And it's 10:40 over here. So wish me luck. Oh and i was wondering should i make her a youtuber? Like she could do V-logs and do covers? I dont know just an idea. Oh and i just finish watching G.B.F. One of the best movies ever. Please go watch it if you support Gay people. I want to know if you support Gay people. If you do comment 'Go Gay People'. Comment vote and follow me. Love you all. Until next time.....


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