Chapter 108: Moving Day

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I woke up and realized that today was the 17th. Today would be the day I would be leaving. I wasn't ready. I still had a lot to do. Chandler was next to me sleeping. His mom was kind enough to let him sleep here until I moved.

I shook him awake but he just slept. "Chandler. Please wake up." I said. He shook his head. "Please Chan? If you love me then you'll wake up."

"Then I guess I don't love you." He said in his pillow. I hit his shoulder. "I'm kidding. Now what do you want?"

He turned around so he was facing me. I ran my hand through his hair. "I'm leaving today." I said softly

"Don't remind me. Can't we just stay in bed and cuddle?" He said wrapping his arms around me and bringing me into his arms

"I wish we could. But I still gotta pack, and take a shower, and eat breakfast. And then get to the airport at 4 pm. I'm very busy."

"Yeah but way to busy for me."

"I'm sorry Chandler. But this is important."

"Yeah but way to important than me."

"I love you but this is my dream and I love it."

"Yeah but you give it way to much love than me."

"Are you going to keep doing that?" I asked

"Maybe. Maybe not." He said. I rolled my eyes and got out of my bed. "Hey you love I love you."

"I love you too. But hush. I'm trying to pick the clothes I want to take to NY."

"NY? What the fuck is that? Is that like a code. Or is it like Hogwarts. A magical place? Oh my gosh are we on T.V so Dumbledore can get us in Hogwarts? HI MOM!" He yelled the last part looking around my room.

"Chandler. We're not going to Hogwarts. Dumbledore is dead. He got killed by Snape. When is the last time you saw the movies?"

"Can I admit something? I've never seen the movie. I've just always hear people taking about a guy named Dumbledore. Is he an elf?"

"We don't have time to talk about Harry Potter. Help me pick out what I'm going to wear in NEW YORK CITY!!" I yelled the last part

"Oh I feel like an idiot"

"That's cause you are one. But you're my idiot." I said walking out of the bathroom and kissing his lips. But then pulled away. "Chandler go brush your teeth. You have morning breath.

"Don't deny that you don't like it."

"I hate it Chandler. Now hurry. Before I die." He rolled his eyes and walking into the bathroom. I grabbed the clothes I was going to wear to the airport. I wore a white tank top which I covered up with a jean jacket. I also put on tight black jeans with my black combat boots. When I was done I went downstairs where Mingus was sleeping on the couch. I rolled my eyes and headed into the kitchen.

For some odd reason I also find Mingus sleeping on the couch.

Norman was in the kitchen talking on the phone. I just walked by him and went to the fridge. I grabbed the milk carton and some cereal. I set them on the counter to get a bowl and there wasn't any. They were all in the sink. I shook my head and saw Norman was still on his phone. So I thought of something. I grabbed the milk carton and poured all of it in the box of cereal. I grabbed it and shaked it up. When I was done I grabbed a spoon and sat by Norman. He hung up his phone when I sat down. Then he wrote something down.

"Morning dad." I said.

"Morning Liesel." He said looking at and then back down. But then he looked at me again.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now