Chapter 32: First Day Of School

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. When i turned it off i had for gotten that i had to go to school today. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. On my way back to my room i knocked on Mingus door. I went inside and he was already dressed. He was wearing a white shirt and black jeans.

"Hey. Why are you all dressed up?" i asked

"Because i just heard that Kassy is going to our school."

"Really so hows it going between you two?"

"It's going really good."

"Thats great. Well i have to go and get dressed."

"Wait. I've told you a million time to never leave Apollo and Artemis in my room."

"I don't leave them in your room they come in in the middle of the night."

"Well take them out." he said picking them up. He gave them to me.

I went to go put them in there cages and then got dressed. When i got to my room i put some music on. I went into my closet to chose something to wear. I finally chose a blue and gray tops, some ripped jeans, and my bright red converse. I put my hair half up and half down. When i was done i got my backpack and went downstairs. Norman was cooking breakfast and Mingus was looking at himself in a spoon. (The outfit is on the side. )

"Hey guys." i said

"Hey sweetheart." Norman said

"What time is it?"

"It's 7:20. I will take you to school early because you need to talk to the princable."

"Ok then lets go."

"Wait don't you want to eat?"

"Not hungry. Now lets go."

"Hold up. MINGUS LETS GO." Norman yelled


We all got into the car and Norman started driving. It took about 10 minutes untl we got there. Mingus went to his locker and Norman took me to the office. I was so scared. Everyone was looking at me. When we got to the desk the lady looked at me then at Norman.

"Can i help you?" she asked

"Yes. My daughter is new here."

"Ok. What is her name?"

"Liesel Reedus."

"Liesel Reedus? I dont se....Never mind her she is. We'll take over from here Mr. Reedus."

"Ok thank you. Good luck sweetie. I'll pick you up after school." he said kissing my forehead

"Bye Dad."

I looked at the lady she was wearing a pink shirt and a blue jacket. Her glasses were small. They rieached the tip of her nose. The ladies hair was in a bun.

"Ok let me show you to your classes." she said

I just nodded my head. I followed her to my first class.

"So this is you homeroom. You'll have Mrs. Andies. Then you'll have math, free period, science, English, Lunch, P.E, History, Reading and thats it."

"Ok thank you."

"Good luck."

I walked into my Homeroom and everyone just looked at me. My legs were shaking. My books were heavy. I was looking at the floor the whole time. When i reached Mrs. Andies desk i hit my foot on it. I dropped my books. Everyone laughed at me. I was red when i got back up. I gave my slip to the teacher. 

"Hi you must be Miss. Reedus"

"Umm. Yes."

"Everyone this is Liesel Reedus. She is new here. I expect you treat her nicely. And Liesel you will be sitting by Jane."

I walked over to where Jane was sitting. She was friendly. She had straight light brown hair, AND she was wearing glasses. I liked the sweater vest she was wearing.

"Hi. I 'm Liesel." i said

"Hi." she said softly

The bell rang and i went to math. I had math with Sam. I gave my slip to the teacher and went to go sit by Sam. I texted Sam.

(S-Sam, L-Liesel)

L- Hey

S- Hey whyare you texting me in the middle of class?

L-Cause i wanted to say have you notice that Mr. Zapperstain zipper is down?


L- Look then.

Sam looked at Mr.Zapperstain and started laughing. Soon i stared laughing.

S- Omg 

L-Quiet down he could hear us.

S- I cant it funny.

"Mr. Daniels and Miss. Reedus what is so funny?" Mr.Zapperstain asked

"Nothing. I was just thinking that i 'left my backdoor open' " Sam said laughing

"Miss. Reedus and Mr. Daniels come to the front of the room." he said angrily

We both stood up and went to where Mr.Zapperstain was. He was not very happy we he my phone buzzed.

"Miss. Reedus was that your phone?" he asked

"Yes." i said scared

"Give me it."

I gave my phone to him. He read all the text messages i was sending to Sam. Sam also got in trouble. If Norman found out about this i'll be in huge trouble. 

"Mr. Daniels and Miss. Reedus got to the princails office NOW!!"

We went back to our desk to get our backpacks and we walked out the door. Niether one of us broke the scilence. I so scaried that they are going to call my dad. He'll get me in a lot of trouble i just know it. When we got the the princials office he told us to sit down. He looked down at his desk.

"I am very disapointed in you Miss. Reedus. This is your first day. Why would you get into trouble?" The princial said

"I didn't mean to get in trouble. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for Sam to get in trouble. Please it was all my fault. If your going to punish someone, punish me. I started it." i said

"Liesel you dont haave to do that." Sam said

"Well Mr. Daniels you can go back to class. But Miss. Reedus i'm going to have to call you parents."

"But Mr...."

"No buts Mr. Daniels go back to class."

"Yes. Sir."

After Sam went back to class Mr. Piper called Norman. I could tell he was very mad. My arm was supporting my head. I wipped the tears that started coming out of my eyes. I never thought i would be in the princials office again. But i guess i was wrong i'm not perfect.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now