Chapter 111: Please Don't Do This

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One Year Later

Adam, Adreanna, and I were walking around the park. We had a show coming up next week. So far since I've left Atlanta we've had 10 shows. One every month. Adam and Adreanna had become my best friends. Chandler and I are still trying to make things work out. We video chat every week and try to call each other every day.

Adam was carrying me on his back, while Adreanna walked right by us. "No Adam. Seals don't talk." I said

"Yes they do. They have their own language, and if you guys don't believe me then I don't believe anything you two say." He said

"Ok whatever Adam. Either way what time do we have to be at practice?" I asked

"Mr. Hudson said at three, and it's one." Adreanna said

"Should we head back?" I asked. They both nodded their heads. "Off to Narnia we go. Go horsey!!"

"I am not a horsey. Keep calling me that you'll have to walk yourself to my car." He said

"Ok then. Mr. Grumpy pants, and you know what. For a 21 year old you aren't very friendly. I would have thought that people who are 21 would be very friendly, but ok whatever." I said


"Ok everyone that was amazing, oh and Adam you need to work on your tan. You're getting a bit pale. Other than that your doing great. Oh and everyone remember next week is the show. After that you have a month break." Mr. Hudson said. Everyone just nodded. "You are all free to go now."

I grabbed my bag and went to the changing room. I took off my costume and put on my sweats. When I was done I went and put my costume on the rack. I turned around and Adam was in my face. "Why do you scare me?" I asked

"It's fun. But that's not why I scared you. I was wondering if you wanted to go out next weekend?" He asked

"That sound great but I have a boyfriend and you know that." I said

"Yeah I know but I thought I would do something for you birthday." He said

"My birthday was last week, and you did do something. You got everyone to throw pies at my face." I said walking past him but he grabbed my wrist.

"I know but I wanna make it up to you, and it's not a date. It's just two friends going out for a dinner that's all."

I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Fine, but nothing fancy. Just pizza and whatever else." I said

"Deal. I'll see you later tonight than?" He asked

"Pick me up at my house around eight." I said and he nodded.

I went outside and went to my car. A few weeks after I got here I got my drivers license, and since I did so great on it Norman got me a car. I hear Chandler's still trying to get his, he flunked his about three times. Right when I was about to turn the car on my phone started ringing. It was Mingus. Weird he never calls me.

"Hello?" I asked
"Hey Liesel. It's Mingus." He said
"Yeah I know. What's up?"
"Nothing I just got bored so I thought why not call you?"
"That's great that you thought about me, but I was about to drive home."
"Where are you?" He asked
"I just got done with practice, and I have dinner plans with someone tonight." I said
"You and Chandler broke up?"
"No. He's just taking me out for my birthday. Nothing fancy. It's just pizza."
"Still. Wasn't your birthday last week?" He asked
"Yes Mingus it was. I gotta go now, tell dad Hi and that I miss him for me. I'll call you later. " I said
"Alright bye."

I hung up and drove out of the parking lot. As I was driving around town I saw posters of The Walking Dead. Rick and Carl in the front. There were more characters than the last time. I saw Norman who was standing behind Rick. I missed them so much. I had only seen them once since I've moved.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now