Chapter 119: Stay With Me Forever

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I grabbed the kids by the hands and pulled them close. A little kid screamed and I turned around. I looked around and saw nobody trying to get her out. Paige and Dylan were looking at me. Both of them were crying. I couldn't let that kid die, but I couldn't leave my own kids alone. 

"Listen you two. Stay here, i'm going to get that little girl out stay here, and hold on." I said

They nodding. Both of their hands that were grabbing mine I put them together. Dylan held on to his sister for dear life. I tried to run, but the ground was shaking so much I couldn't hold myself. I fell down and crawled the rest of the way. The ground was slowly breaking. Most of the play ground was already on the floor. When I got to the top of the play ground, that wasn't on the ground, I grabbed the little girl. She looked like she was around the twins age. She had blonde hair that was falling out of her pigtails. Dirty was on her face. 

"Hi there. Come on lets get out here." I said. She just nodded her head. We both walked down. The little girl was whimpering. I looked down and saw she was limping. "Did you break your leg?" I asked

"Y-Yes." She said. I grabbed her and picked her up. 

"Don't worry. We're gonna get out of this." I said

I ran over to where Dylan and Paige were standing. The three of us started running. I was carrying the little girl in my hand. Then all the sudden the shaking stopped. The twins looked up at me. "Why did the shaking stop?" Paige asked

"I don't know. I think the earthquake stopped. I told your daddy we shouldn't move to California, but he didn't listen. Now are you two okay?" I asked kneeling down next to them

"Yeah mommy." Dylan said 

I put the little girl down and she just sat on the ground. I moved the hair out of her face. "Are you okay?" I asked. She looked around and then back at me and nodded. "What's your name?" I asked

"Becky." She said

"That's beautiful. Where's mommy?" I asked

She shrugged. "I think she ran away, when ground s-s-start moving." 

"Let me tell you something. You mommy shouldn't have left you there. She's a terrible mommy."

"She hits me." Becky said

"We'll guess what. You're not living with your mommy anymore. I'll take you in. You'll live with me." I said

She smiled. "Thank you." She said softly. 

I picked her up and hugged her. I put her on my back and we started walking. When we turned a corner I could see that there was a building in the way. "Mommy what we gonna do?" She asked

"We'll have to go around." I said. 

We turned back around and went down a different street lucky this one was clear. There was just a bit of rubble on the ground. People were crying on the streets, crying that there house were gone and crying for loved ones. I sure hope Chandler had gotten out of the house.

"Liesel?" I turned around and saw my neighbors. 

"Mrs. Jenson. How are you?" I asked

"I'm fine. What about you?" She asked

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Who this little girl?" 

"Oh um.. Her name is Becky. Paige Dylan and I were at the park and when the earthquake happened she was all alone on the playground I helped her out and I saw her mother wasn't around."

"You mean the mother just left her there to die?" She asked surprised

"I'm guessing so. I'm taking her in for now." I said

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now