Chapter 40: She's Trying To Ruin My Life

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After Hazel nose was cleaned up we went to get breakfast. I went upstairs to get changed. I put on a blue white shirt, my leather jacket that Chad gave me, and black jeans. (Picture on the side.) Hazel and i walked to school.

"Why did i every start liking Mingus?" she asked

"I don't know but he would be crazy if he didn't like you." i said

"Yes he would be crazy there are a ton of guys out there. Why don't i like one of them."

"Come Haz. Dont do this. A crush is a crush."

"The only reason they call it a crush is because when you find out they don't like you then your crushed. I hate life."

"He's just a stupid boy Haz. Dont do this to youself. There are a ton of people out there in this world. And i bet one of them is dying to meet you."


"Yea reall..... SAM!!!" I yelled running to him

"Hey Liesel." he said hugging me

"I'm going to miss you." 

"Liesel wait up." Hazel said running to me "Oh......Hey........Sam" she said running out of breath

"Hey Haz."

"Why is everyone calling me that?" she asked

"Because that your nickname dumby." i said

"We better get to class." Sam said

I walked into homeroom and everyone looked at me. Weird. I sat by Jane like i always do. She was wearing a green top and tights. I noctied she got new glasses.

"Hey Jane I like your galsses."

"Oh ummm thanks."

"Why is everyone acting so weird around me. They are looking at me like i commited a crime."

"You haven't heard?" She asked


"Someone has been going around school telling people about your night terriors. I was pretty funny. The way you kick and scream."

"How do you know what i look like when i sleep."

"Well someone put a carmera in your room and recorded you. The video is everywhere." She said showing me the video.

I started running out breath. I had forgotten my inharler at home. The nurse had my other one in case i forgot mine. I could hear people laughing around me even though they weren't. People talking inside my mind. There's no way out. I stood up and everyone looked at me. I ran out of the room. The last thing i heard was the teacher.


I was running towards the bathroom when i ran into someone.

"Oh hey Liesel. Hey what's wrong." Chandler said

Tears were coming down my face hard. "Don't do see why everyone hates me." i said crying

"Tell me whats wrong." he said

I sat down on the floor and he did to. "I think Kassy is trying to ruin my life."

"Kassy? Who Kassy?"

"Mingus girlfriend."

"Why would she want to ruin your life?" he asked

"You won't believe me."

"Just tell me."

"Kassy's my biological sister."

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now