Chapter 45: You're Both Wrong

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Hey my bubbly friends. How are you guys. I know you guys have been saying to update. Now don't have a cow i'm updating right now. Hope you like this chapter. Please commenet and vote. I love all you guys so much



"Hey Chandler can i ask you something."

"Sure what is it?"

"How much do you love me?" 

I don't know why i asked that. I guess i was so cuisour. Once it came out of my mouth ther was no going back. 

"I'll love you until i die." he said

He just made this so much harder for me. Now i know what your thinking. How is he making it harder for you? Well i tell you why because i was trying to get over him. The Book Theif was right. The only thing that is worse then a boy who hates you is a boy who loves you. I love that book so much. I stared at the celing the rest of the night. Thinking. But what was i thinking about? Chandler? Sam? Food? Bubbles? People? I didn't know. I guess i was just staring at the celing not thinking about anything. It was finally morning. I got to wake up late because i didn't have go to school. The good thing about an online school is that you can go on when ever.

I took a shower and changed. After i was done i went back into my room. Chandler, and Mingus were on there computers. They were taking notes. I've never seen them so concerted in my life. Norman gave me my laptop.

"Do i have to?" i asked

"Yes. Now hurry."

"Why? It's not like i have anything to do." i mumbled the last part


That caused Chandler and Mingus to look up from there computers. I didn't mean to get Norman mad. But i was telling the truth. I really had no where to go. Norman was keeping me as a prisoner in my room for the rest of this week. That is one thing i hated about Norman. Is when he got angry.


"Ok ok i'm going." i said opening my computer

I plugged in my headphones to listen to the videos. The videos were so borning. I already knew everything in this video. Yes i am a nerd. But no one knows beside Norman. He doesn't show anyone my grades. I just tell Mingus and Chandler i'm failing my classes. I took notes and once the video was over i did my homework. I didn't want to do it. But since i had nothing better to do then i did. I was ahead of Mingus and Chandler. They were working on it together. They seemed to be stuck on a problem. I wanted to help them but i couldn't.

"It isn't 3xy it's 2xy." Chandler said

"It's 3xy." Mingus said

I knew the answer it was 6xy squared. They did the work wrong. I don't know how they got 2xy or 3xy. I just sat there doing my homework while they contuied to fight. They fianlly asked me what i thought.

"It's 2xy right Liesel." Chandler said

"Don't listen to him. It's 3xy right."Mingus said

"Uhhhh." is all i could say

"See she agrees with me." Mingus said

"She didn't say anything. She's on my side." Chandler said

"I'm not on anyones side. You both are wrong. It's 6xy squared. Idiots."

"That isn't possible." Mingus said doing the wrok again

Really they think i'm stupid. There the ones that didn't do the work right. I did. While they tired to see how i got the answer i conuited to do the rest of the problems. When i was done Chandler and Mingus were still arguring on how i got the answer. I gave my paper to Norman who scarned the paper and gave it to my online teacher. I sat there watching them. Fianlly i had enough of them so i worked the problem myself. 

"Oh my gosh. Your a nerd." Mingus said

"Sooo. Sue me." i said

"Wow." Chandler said

Mingus left my room. Which left Chandler and I.

"I never knew you were a nerd." he said

"Shut up. I don't want anyone to know."

"Why? I wish i could have a brain like your."

"The reason i don't want people to know i'm smart is that they'll make fun of me."

"No they won't. If they do that then they are total jerk." he said rubbing my cheek with his hand

I couldn't hold it in any longer so i leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back. We kissed for about 3 minutes until Mingus came in.

"I for......Sorry." he said heading out the door

"S-Sorry." i said

"It's fine. So does this mean were dat..."

I put my finger on his lips "No. We are not dating." i said

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