Chapter 79: Under Arrest

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The put hand cuffs on our hands. They still didn't tell us what we did. Chandler and i were confused. We went into spreate police cars and drove of to the police staition. Once we got there they put us in a cell. Then they called Chandler's parents and he got to talk to them.

"Mom.....I dont know......They wont tell me......I'm sorry.......It wont happen again......Are you coming to come get me?....Ok bye see you later......" Chandler said

I sighed and just sat down on the cold hard bench. Chandler came back inside and sat next to me. He held my hand.

"You ok?" he asked

"No i'm not ok. I'm in jail for crying out load. Now Norman's going to yell at me. And i might get put in the system gain because of Megan. She's got Norman wrapped around her finger. She even got Mingus aroud her finger. It's just so unfair."

"Dont worry. It'll be ok."

"No it wont be."

"Chandler Riggs your mom and dad are here." the police man said

"I'll call you later if my partents dont take away my phone."

"Ok bye."

He gave me a kiss goodbye then left. He left me alone in this cold cell. With no one to talk to. Finally a police man came to talk to me.

"Liesel Reedus we need to ask you some questions."

He took me to a room. Which was dark and in the middle had a metal table with a light. We sat on oppsite sides of each other. This reminded me of when i came to see Cole.

"Ms. Reedus do you know why your here?" he asked

"No. Can you please tell me?"

"You were trespassing. A man saw you on his propety and called the police. No one was supposed to be there at night."

"I'm sorry i didn't know."

"We'll sorry dont cut it. You'll be given a ticket. Would you like if i called your mom and dad?"

"I only have a dad."

"What happened to your mom?"

"I dont have one i'm adopted."

"I'm sorry i'll be right back."

He left. And i went back to the cell. I soon fell asleep on the metal bench. Suprisingly it was comfy. Never in a million years would i have thought i would have been sleeping on a metal beach in Jail. That's a first.

(Norman's POV)

Mingus and I were waiting for Liesel to come home. First i would hug her then i would yell. Cause i want to tell her i'm sorry for calling her adopted. Then yell at her for leaving  the house with me knowing. And this late at night who knows what could happen?

Then i got a phone call saying Liesel was in Jail. So i left. Mingus stayed home. Once i got there i asked for Liesel.

"Liesel Reedus?" i asked

"Yes she is in cell 25. You can go see her. Some charges are going to be pressed. There is a $250 for trespassing on pritive protety"


I left and found Liesel laying down on the bench. The police man let me in. I picked her up and took her home on the way there she woke up.

"Liesel why were you in Jail?"

She didnt answer. I would get somthing out of her when we got home. I parked the car and we got out. She was infront of me and when she opened the door she slammed it in my face.

"Liesel Reedus. Stop that."

"Stop what?" she said harshly.

"Stop acting like this i dont like it."

"We'll i'm sorry. Did i hurt your feelings. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt the king's feeling. Please forgive me" she said in a sacastic tone. This she didnt the lip thing where she sticks out her lip

"I said stop. Now let's talk about you getting in jail. Why on earth would you trespass."

"I didnt know it was pritive proterty. Ok i'm sorry. I really didnt mean to. Norman."

"Why would you seek out of the house."

"Cause i wanted to get out of the house. No one cares about me in this house. No one. Megan has you and Mingus wrapped around her finger. And no one wants to hear my side of the of the story. I thought i was the only girl in your life. But i guess i'm not Norman."

"Wait why do you keep calling me Norman. What happened to Dad?"

"First your no dad to me. A dad would believe his daughter, A dad would stick up for his daughter, A dad would not tell his daghter secrets to his girlfriend, A dad would keep the daughters secrets, A dad would never say that his daughter is adotped. And A dad would pick his duaghter over his girlfriend even if it means losing that girlfriend." Her voice was soft when she said that last line. "But your no dad. Dont you remember i'm techally adopted."

(Liesel's POV)

I ran up to my my room and locket the door. What's wrong with me. Norman and i have never had an arguement. Never. Someone knocked on my door.

"Go away." i yelled. I was crying

"It's Mingus. Please let me in."

I went up to the door and opened it. When he saw me he pulled me into a hug. My head rested on his shoudler. He closed the door.

"Dont cry. Please Liesel dont cry. Tell me waht happened."

"He yelled at me. We had an arguement. We never have them."

"It'll be ok. Hey but guess what. Dad broke up with her. He said if she didnt like you then he didnt like her. He broke up with her for you. Well for me to. Cause she didnt like me either."

"Mingus. I dont know what to say."

"It's fine. Come on let's go to bed. And tell me why you were in jail."

"I was trespassing. But i didnt know."

"Ok good. I thought it was something bad. Thank god."

"What?" i giggled

"I thought you did something bad like kill another person. "

"Oh. We'll no. I would never kill another kid."

"That's good. Now go to bed it's 1 in the morning."


Mingus and i fell asleep on my bed. Me cuddled up to his chest. And his arms around me. 

(Norman's POV)

I heard Mingus talking to Liesel. Atleast she has someone to talk to. Cause i dont think she want's to talk to me. A few mintues later i went into the room and found them sleeping together. It was adoble. I grabbed my phone and took a picture. Then i put it as my screen saver. 

I just hope one day Liesel can forgive me. One day..............

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