Chapter 109: Liesel Reedus?

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I looked out the window. White clouds and blue skies. That's how my life used to be, but now it's Black clouds and dark skies. "Honey. Mommy will be home soon. Don't worry... I love you to. Ok? Ok now put daddy on the phone... Hi yeah please tell him I'm coming home soon... I love you too. Yes I'll be safe. Ok bye." The lady next to me hung up the phone.

"Ugh it's hard to travel when you have a 4 year old daughter." She said to me. "We'll I wouldn't know. I'm only 16. But I'm sure it's hard." I said. "I'm Margret. What's your name."

"Liesel Reedus." I said. "Or you could call me Addison Manning." "Or Liesel Sunner."

"So many names." She said

"Yes, A lot of names. And it's a long story."

"I'm sure it is- Wait aren't you on The Walking Dead?"

"I used to be on it. Now I'm on Broad Way."

"Wow. We'll my daughter adores you. Can you sign something for her?"

"Sure. How old is she?"

"She's 13. And loves the walking dead."

I smiled and signed the paper. Once the place landed I got off. This wasn't my first time in New York, but it felt like it was. I went to baggage claim and grabbed my bags. When I did I sat on the chairs by the window. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. My phone case was the phone case that Chandler got me for my birthday. It was special to me.

I turned on my phone and called Norman. He didn't answer. So I called Chandler. He answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" Chandler asked

"Hey Chandler it's me Liesel."

"Oh hey how's New York so far?"

"Chandler I've been in New York for 10 minutes. But the airport is very busy. Right now I'm just waiting for my mom."

"Oh ok. We'll how was the airplane trip?"

"It went well. But it was weird. Cause I'm used to riding the airplane with you by my side. This time a lady in her 30ths sat by me."

"Don't worry. At least she didn't bite you."

"What?" I giggled

"Nevermind. But when you get to your folks house video chat me."

"Don't worry I will. And folks? When did you start saying that?"

"Ever since you left. But hey I've gotta go. I have to do homework."

"Ok then. I'll call you tonight. What time is it?"

"Like 6 or 7. Why?"

"I'll call you at 10. Now go and do you're homework."

"Ok. Bye. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket. I grabbed my bags and headed out of the airport. First time living in a huge city. Not that Atlanta wasn't a big city but this is New York City. You could get lost and somehow end up in China if you don't use directions. Once I was outside I saw my parents. The came up to me and hugged me. My dad grabbed my bags and put them in the trunk of the car.

"So Liesel how do you like New York so far?"

"The airport was very nice. Cause that's all I've seen."

"Sorry dumb question. We'll this is what we're going to do. We're going to go home and meet your brother and sister. Then go out for dinner. And be back before 10. Then tomorrow you'll go to where it is you need to go ok?"

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now