Chapter 77: I'm Here To Stay

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I sat on the front steps. Criss Coss applesauce. Hey dont judge i still say that. Then i heard the door open. I saw Chandler. He sat next to me. I wipped my tears before Chandler could see them.

"Hey Liesel. You ok?"

"Thats the second person today said i was adopted. I hate it. It makes me think of my parents. And i hate them. C-Chandler you dont know what they did to me." I was crying my heart out "They did terrible things. Stuff your parents would never think of doing. Chandler."

"Sh sh sh sh. Dont cry. I hate seeing you cry. I'm right here."


"Dont talk just calm down."

My head was on his shoudler. And i nodded. My crying stopped. Chandler rubbed his hand on my arm. And kissed my cheak and forehead. We looked at the sunset.

"Um Chandler do yout think i could speck to Liesel alone?" Megan asked

"Sure. I'll be inside." Chandler said to me

Megan cam and sat down next to me. She started talking to me sweatly. Until Chandler went inside.

"Listen here bitch. You have to know that i'm the only girl in Norman Reedus life. Not you. Atleast not anymore. Your no longer needed in this house. So why dont you come back to were you came from."

"Cause i cant."

"I'll drop you off at the foster home. Or better yet with your parents. Yea. Norman told me about what happened. Heck he told me everything. From you parents. To Lucas and his friends. So i know all the bad stuff that happened to you."

"So what. Everyone knows that stuff. They can find it on the internet."

"Listen here. Once i marry Norman i'm sending you to borading school far far way. You got it?"


"Ugh. You wanna know why i'm with your father. For the money. Who else would want to go out with a 45 year old with 2 kids. Not me. He's useless."

"He's not useless. He's my father. He was there for me when no one else wanted me."

"If i were him i would have left you on the curb. Just there to see you die. No cared about you. No one payed attention to you. The only reson that boy is going out with you is because your Norman Reedus daughter. That's it. Your not special. You got the attention when he adopted you. I bet if he did adopt you that boy wouldnt have gone out with you. Just face it. Your useless. You a little piece of shit."

"Not to my dad."

"He doesnt care about you. Your adopted. Atleast my parents care about me. Atleast they didnt beat me. Atleast they didnt call me names."

"Yea Norman chose me. Your partents were stuck with you. They only beat me cause they were drunk."

"What about your sister. Um Kassy? When they were drunk they didnt beat her. They beat you cause your unperfect."

"So no one's perfect. Not even you."

"Honey please. I'm way more perfect then you ever were. Look at your hair. I would think of ruining my hair."

"So what's wrong with my hair? I love it. I'm more colorful. You know what. I dont care what you say."

"Well then. One thing. I'm. Here. To. Stay."

"Yea so am i. FYI. I've been here longer."

I went back inside. And went into the kitchen. I hugged chandler and he kissed my hair. Megan went over to Norman and made out with him. This women made he want to vomit.

"So what did you to talk about?" Chandler asked

"Nothing. Nothing important. I'll tell you later. Can you sleep over?"

"Yea i'll text my mom."


We all sat at the table. Chandler to my right and Megan to my left. Next to chandler was Ally. Next to Ally was Mingus. The next to Mingus was Norman. Next to Norman was Megan. The table was a circle. 

Norman made chicken parmesan and spagetti. I was eating and Norman was telling us a story. But i wasnt paying attention. I was to busy thinking of what Megan said. I was in the middle of thinking when some stomped on my foot. The foot that had my brace on. The one that was broken.

"OWWW!!!" i yelled

"Sweetie are you alright?" Norman asked

I shook my head. "What happened?" Mingus asked

"Megan stomped on my broke foot." i winced in pain.

"What? I didnt. You must have just hit your foot on the chair." Megan said

"I'm not lying. Daddy she really did hurt my foot. Who are you goign to believe. Your daughter or girlfriend?"

"Well techalliy you are adopted." Norman said

"I'll take that as your girlfriend. So i guess i'm not your daughter. I'm just adopted. I thought you were different. But no. YOU'RE JUST LIKE MY FATHER!!!! WHO ABANDED ME!!!!!"

I ran out of the room. Why? Why does all the bad stuff happen to me? I ran to the bathroom and got out the razor. This was going to hurt. But i didnt care.

I started cutting. Blood started coming out. The pain felt good. Or atleast better than being called adopted. I would never stop.......


Oh my gosh. Who saw that coming??? Who thought that Norman was going to say she was adopted or that he would tell everything to Megan??? Raise your hand if you hate Megan. I do. I'll update soon. Please comment and like. Also follow me. My goal this year. Is the get 100 followers before new years eve. And i've been wondering this.

How did you guys find out about Wattpad???

Tell me. I found out because for chistmas my parents got me a ipad mini. So i wanted to read books so as i was loking threw the apps. I saw wattpad. I just started reading books. But never made an account. Until it was only a few days before my birthday. And let me just say. 4 days before my birthday i had 20 reads on this book. Wow. And look how much i have now. So yeah tell me how you discovered Wattpad. Ok well bye. Until next time....


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